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- Oct 9, 2018
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2nd brew here. I decided to make a recipe from scratch for thanksgiving time.
Boil Size: 5 Gallons
Boil Time: 60mins
Estimated OG: 1.062 Actual OG: 1.061
Estimated FG: 1.015 Actual Final OG: 1.020
Estimated ABV: 6.11 Calculated ABV: 5.38
IBU 32.49
SRM: 36.89
6.6lb Light LME
2lb light DME
3 oz molasses (20 min)
1lb Crystal 60l
4oz black patent
1lb chocolate
1oz German Northern Brewer (60 min) 8.8AA
1 oz Williamette (7min) 4.6AA
1oz UK Fuggle (3min) 4.3AA
15g safale s04
.5oz gypsum
1 tsp ground cinnamon @ flameout
I steeped the grains in 1.75 gallons of water at 160 degrees for 30 mins. Removed the grains. Added the 1.75 gallons to the 4.25 gallons of water in the kettle and brought to boil. Also added .5oz gypsum to the water. Added Extract and stirred in. Added northern brewer 1oz for 60 mins. 40 mins into the boil i added 3ozs of blackstrap molasses. Added Williamette at 53 mins and fuggle at 57 mins. Added 1/2 tab of whirlfloc at this time too. At flameout i added 1 tsp of cinnamon. I then let this sit outside (40 degree weather) covered for about an hour as i had to run errands. Came back and added the wort chiller brought the wort to 70 degrees and pitched 15gs of safale s04 and aerated it. I had a slight leak from the hose clamps on the wort chiller and had an extra .25 gallons added to the wort unfortunately. I brewed this 19 days ago. I monitored fermention temps using a swamp cooler set up. Ferm was held at 64 degrees. I let it sit on top of the yeast for another 12 days. I bottled last night. I ended up with a Final OG of 1.020. Not sure why i missed my target. At bottling i ended up wit 4.75 gallons of beer. I boiled 3.75 ozs of priming sugar in 2 cups of water and added this to the bottling bucket. I also added 4 tsps of vanilla extract and transferred the beer on top of it in the bottling bucket. from here i had another bucket. I added 11 tsp of caramel natural extract, 7 tsp of pecan extract, and an additional tsp of vanilla and transferred 2.75 gallons of beer on top of this. I bottled the 2 gallons of non- pecan/caramel flavored beer and then bottled the 2.75 gallons of flavored beer. Some notes on taste, Blackstrap was subtle but there. I could not taste the cinnamon. The slight addition of vanilla added a barely noticeable taste but seemed to make the beer slightly smoother. I tested the gracity 3 times after ferm at 7 days, 14 days, and 19days. The yeast at 7 days was noticebly fruity and banana-ish. at 14 days it was less noticeable.. at 19 days it really cleaned itself up. Im very pleased with the outcome of this. The hop choices while all from different countries really accented the beer. I will update again with the final impressions of both beers in 2 weeks after conditioning.
Im sure im missing something in here but this is off the top of my head. Feel free to correct me or ask any questions.
Boil Size: 5 Gallons
Boil Time: 60mins
Estimated OG: 1.062 Actual OG: 1.061
Estimated FG: 1.015 Actual Final OG: 1.020
Estimated ABV: 6.11 Calculated ABV: 5.38
IBU 32.49
SRM: 36.89
6.6lb Light LME
2lb light DME
3 oz molasses (20 min)
1lb Crystal 60l
4oz black patent
1lb chocolate
1oz German Northern Brewer (60 min) 8.8AA
1 oz Williamette (7min) 4.6AA
1oz UK Fuggle (3min) 4.3AA
15g safale s04
.5oz gypsum
1 tsp ground cinnamon @ flameout
I steeped the grains in 1.75 gallons of water at 160 degrees for 30 mins. Removed the grains. Added the 1.75 gallons to the 4.25 gallons of water in the kettle and brought to boil. Also added .5oz gypsum to the water. Added Extract and stirred in. Added northern brewer 1oz for 60 mins. 40 mins into the boil i added 3ozs of blackstrap molasses. Added Williamette at 53 mins and fuggle at 57 mins. Added 1/2 tab of whirlfloc at this time too. At flameout i added 1 tsp of cinnamon. I then let this sit outside (40 degree weather) covered for about an hour as i had to run errands. Came back and added the wort chiller brought the wort to 70 degrees and pitched 15gs of safale s04 and aerated it. I had a slight leak from the hose clamps on the wort chiller and had an extra .25 gallons added to the wort unfortunately. I brewed this 19 days ago. I monitored fermention temps using a swamp cooler set up. Ferm was held at 64 degrees. I let it sit on top of the yeast for another 12 days. I bottled last night. I ended up with a Final OG of 1.020. Not sure why i missed my target. At bottling i ended up wit 4.75 gallons of beer. I boiled 3.75 ozs of priming sugar in 2 cups of water and added this to the bottling bucket. I also added 4 tsps of vanilla extract and transferred the beer on top of it in the bottling bucket. from here i had another bucket. I added 11 tsp of caramel natural extract, 7 tsp of pecan extract, and an additional tsp of vanilla and transferred 2.75 gallons of beer on top of this. I bottled the 2 gallons of non- pecan/caramel flavored beer and then bottled the 2.75 gallons of flavored beer. Some notes on taste, Blackstrap was subtle but there. I could not taste the cinnamon. The slight addition of vanilla added a barely noticeable taste but seemed to make the beer slightly smoother. I tested the gracity 3 times after ferm at 7 days, 14 days, and 19days. The yeast at 7 days was noticebly fruity and banana-ish. at 14 days it was less noticeable.. at 19 days it really cleaned itself up. Im very pleased with the outcome of this. The hop choices while all from different countries really accented the beer. I will update again with the final impressions of both beers in 2 weeks after conditioning.
Im sure im missing something in here but this is off the top of my head. Feel free to correct me or ask any questions.