Other Ingredients Drop Down List Missing Items


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Apr 17, 2020
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My "Other Ingredients" drop down list only has 62 items to pick from. How do I get the ones from the Browse menu into there so I can use them? Thanks.
Thanks for bringing it up again, it's been a sore spot for @Yooper and myself.

It looks like this was the final push we needed.

I've added almost an additional 100 Other Ingredients to the BF catalog, selecting the most popular ingredients from users private ingredient lists, and most popular ingredients in the past 90 days. Many more spices, nutrients, and fining agents, have been added.

The browse / Other page will continue to show more ingredients for the time being, but if there is anything in particular you want to add let me know so we can review.

The new other ingredients is available right now on beta, and should be pushed to the live site tomorrow automatically, if I understand how the database changes work.

Edit: It's live now.
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