Old kegs


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Mar 30, 2016
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Palmwoods QLD
Howdy all got me a bargain today 4 second hand kegs for $100 thats $25 each! :D best i can do localy through brew store is $100 for 1:eek:.

Anywho ive got unknown kegs (to me anyhow) and thought id flick some pics for you fellow brewers to scrutinise my supposed bargain kegs:).

1 is US Cornelius keg ball lock nothing new here.

2 are inscribed "Firestone" made by MYTTON RODD LTD Melb Aust. Ball lock but metal handles and different preassure release.

And the final keg is a doosy
Its got a threaded opening in the top and inscribed on the side with the coca cola symbol and then a keg number. Its a little more lower and has a larger diameter to the rest maybe a real oldschool keg?

They need a bit of a clean up there is a bit of crud built up round the lids and nipples (dont ya just hate cruddy nipples) but if i replace the seals and popets hopefully ill be good to go;).

2 of them had beer still in em. They havnt been used in awhile but are pretty clean on the inside remarkably!

Im thinking of changing my brewing and start fermenting in possibly one of these kegs maybe that threaded one and pressure transfering from ferm keg to serving keg and doing away with my plastic bucket all together:rolleyes:.


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First of all, congrats! Looks like a great deal to me. 3 of the 4 look to be already good to go ball lock kegs and I would just replace all the gaskets and see how they do. Not as sure about the threaded one. Might be ok though. I think you could definitely do transfers and use one as a fermentation device. I use all mine to store and pressurize the finished product. Now you just need a keezer, a co2 tank, and a multi-position regulator. Be sure to get some of the inter tap nozzles for your keezer and you will be very happy.
First of all, congrats! Looks like a great deal to me. 3 of the 4 look to be already good to go ball lock kegs and I would just replace all the gaskets and see how they do. Not as sure about the threaded one. Might be ok though. I think you could definitely do transfers and use one as a fermentation device. I use all mine to store and pressurize the finished product. Now you just need a keezer, a co2 tank, and a multi-position regulator. Be sure to get some of the inter tap nozzles for your keezer and you will be very happy.

Well that's the thing Maddog I'm not sure if local HBS sells them different shaped lid seals guess I'll be finding out:D.
I've already got all the Kegging gear and yes I do run two intertaps and the third auxiliary is a cheap picnic tap that runs better then them old style taps and doesn't gunk up and jam with infrequent use.:)

I tested that threaded keg for pressure yesterday evening there was a little bubbling from the thread but a bit of gas tape el fix that. Well now I can brew way ahead of time and get some longer storage from my lagers before drinking stouts included.
Ok so ive found out a bit of info on these odd ball kegs ive been lucky/unlucky enough to aquire.

So 2 of them kegs are as inscribed "Firestone Mytton Rodd" kegs
1 is a Rheem keg similar male threads on the ball posts as Mytton Rodd kegs.

And the other is a standard ball lock keg.

So for anyone looking for info on these Firestone kegs there aint much out there. It seems their made in Aus and date back as far as ive researched to the 60's! They are much heavier than the cornie keg with thicker stainless and all metal no rubber construction except on the base.

Now anatomy is similar to ball locks in that both have bent dip tubes pick up from center not off to side except for rheem jeg its stright. the posts are a male thread 22mm metric spanner fits em. Also the poppets are held in place with a washer and a spring clip behind ive been advised dont take apart unless realy need to as can be a bitch to reassemble. A nylon washer seats underneath the post over top the pick up and gas tubes. Pluss inderneath the liquid pick up tube there is an inner rubber seal it seams see photo .

The lids are different as well called "racetrack" lids hombrew forum jargon? And the lid O ring is thicker than ball lock oval lid but both may suffice interchangeably but thicker seems to be erring on the side of caution.

Parts ive found for firestine keg from www.nationalhombrew.com.au onya Martin! Your looking for a repair kit "Rheem Mytton Rodd keg rebuild kit"19 bucks there is another Aussie site but cant think of it.

The posts are pretty rusty. Ive soaked in nappie san oxy cleaner sodium percarbonate hit it with wire brush. But rust is on outside so im thinking it shouldnt be a problem fingers crossed... any suggestions? Dont wanna get too corrosive as may make things worse in long run?

Anywho i thought id add this to the thread incase any other brewersfriend brewers were looking to source parts for these less common firestone mytton rodd kegs.

See below picks of posts and seals. Cheers!


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The kegs are in fact mytton Rodd and were built in Melbourne. The company has been since taken over by by Stainless Tanks and Pressure Vessels of Melbourne.

There are old posts about refurbishing them as in https://aussiehomebrewer.com/threads/refurbishing-an-ancient-firestone-keg.66859/

They are a very decent keg and I have just come upon five of them and like you are trying to source new seals. Like one post said, I think I may get one seal kit from National Brewing and see how I go.

Mine are the original pin coupling and from what I can find it seems that the thread is 9/16-18.

I was thinking of converting to ball lock or QD but with prices on gear like that in Australia and it availability it would cost me an arm and a leg. I did find and adapter in the US. https://www.chicompany.net/beer-sto...pt-x-9-16-18?zenid=k0htapfphreo8tm30dahcabqb0

Anyway I may ring Stainless tomorrow and price the seals. I will let you know how I go.

I did pull one keg apart today and although it was a bit fiddle I got it cleaned up and back together again. The first was a pain but the second was much easier. The secret is to put the poppet and the six hole washer in place, hold them together with a flat ended object and then insert the circling with needlepoint pliers and bit by bit push it in flat until it engages the groove.

Anyway if I cane be of any help let me know

Regards from the land down under

Cheers Nugnut.
my 2 mytonn Rodd seal kits should arrive today from national homebrew! 20 bucks a pop but should get underway using these ancient kegs I'll post a pick of the seal kit. The lady at National home brew advise me against dismantling the ball post to get at the poppet :p said it would take 45min to take apart and same to reassemble. Also universal poppets don't fit these as well:oops:.
As for rust as long as insides all clean it should be good. I gave all the posts a,hit with steal wool and a quick boil and sit in sodium percarbonate and they look half shiny now like they may have came from this decade or were made after,I was born lol.

That freeks me out these kegs were in operation way before I was a twinkle in my old mans eye!:p Sorta makes me feel,proud re furburshing them like doing up an old classic car.
No problems
You will have to take the post apart as there is a mushroom o ring in there to replace but it only took 10 minutes for me to disassemble and reassemble two of them.

No problems
You will have to take the post apart as there is a mushroom o ring in there to replace but it only took 10 minutes for me to disassemble and reassemble two of them.

Yes i see that its like a flat nykon washer there seems to be an internal o ring underneath that. I suppose thats the one your talking about.
No problems
You will have to take the post apart as there is a mushroom o ring in there to replace but it only took 10 minutes for me to disassemble and reassemble two of them.

Well they arrived 2 seal kits for MyttonRodd kegs and one rebuild kit for standard ball lock keg. 20 bucks a pop for Mytton Rodd kits and 15 fir cornie rebuild kit nugnut . I think like younsaid there is a Vic supplier Nugnut if your down that way might be cheaper. Now to go and get these old kegs sealed preassure tested and ready for BEER!:D.
I must say to anyone looking at old kegs or any used keg to factor in seal kit price into tge deal. Its cost me an extra $60 so far on a $100 keg deal.
