Offline usage (PWA)

Mark Farrall

Well-Known Member
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Oct 19, 2017
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This one is a real thought bubble, and I'm mainly posting here to see if there's much interest in the community. I'm not crying out for it, but I do see the odd mention by people where something like this would be a benefit (and I occasionally brew kilometers from the internets), so...

Is anyone interested in making parts of the site available offline?

Maybe just a calculator or two, or maybe your brew sessions (what I'd be interested in), or everything (they'd probably need to increase the fees for that one, so just what's important).

For those of you saying I'm insane, there's been some stuff happening with Google and a few other tech companies that's making this sort of thing possible. We've been working with one of our customers for something simple to see how it would work for a mine site with little to no internets. We're all surprised at what's possible, just wish they'd find some money so we could do it properly. How's that copper price doing this year?

It also fits in nicely with the with the very sensible decision to stop supporting the various clients as you can get a lot of the functionality you're used to with an app from your browser (assuming you're not stil using Internet Explorer).

So anybody interested, or is this an idea waiting for a future that probably never comes?

PWA is progressive web apps. It's a quasi-marketing term used for a bunch of features like services workers that mean a website can behave more like an app (amongst other things, like the horribly abused notifications functionality).
I can see offline applications for the recipe viewer, the brew session, and some of the calculators - say the mash infusion calculator, the water calc, the quick infusion calculator. Any others anyone can think of?

I brew in my basement so I have good connectivity - had never considered an offline option!
As i have mentioned previously, I brew in my detached garage and have very limited, if any wi-fi when we brew, so i would be all for an "off-line" version.
Actually, this is something we're working on after discussing quite a bit. Stay tuned, and I'll keep you posted!
I like the fact that Brewers Friend is cloud based. Maybe parts could be downloadable like brew sessions. That would mean a lot of tools would need to be available as well. Tools you need during a brew session.
Brewing with an offline option would be awesome! Some of us don't have good connectivity where we brew.
Brewing with an offline option would be awesome! Some of us don't have good connectivity where we brew.
I’m with you there... I brew in our garage that is 100’ from the house and wi-if reception.
you can always use my spread sheet until it's done, I've brewed 20 times on it with no issues
