I'm just building my first keggle from an old keg
i put the keg on the stove to test it out and fumes are coming from the bottom.
the fumes smell really strong and toxic. stunk up the kitchen for days.
i thought it might have been some residual of metal polish from my testing out some polishing on it.
so i cleaned the hell out f it with sodium percarbonate, then some bartenders friend metal cleaner
then regular palmolive dish soap. i also scrubbed it with a metal brush bit on my drill.
looked perfectly silver... but the fumes were back.
any help finding out what these are and how to deal with them would be greatly appreciated.
i might just install and electric element but i want to have the option f using the gas stove.
do kegs sometimes have adhesive in the bottom area under the curled lip of the underside?
any ideas? please help!?
thank you for any time taken to read and / or respond!
i put the keg on the stove to test it out and fumes are coming from the bottom.
the fumes smell really strong and toxic. stunk up the kitchen for days.
i thought it might have been some residual of metal polish from my testing out some polishing on it.
so i cleaned the hell out f it with sodium percarbonate, then some bartenders friend metal cleaner
then regular palmolive dish soap. i also scrubbed it with a metal brush bit on my drill.
looked perfectly silver... but the fumes were back.
any help finding out what these are and how to deal with them would be greatly appreciated.
i might just install and electric element but i want to have the option f using the gas stove.
do kegs sometimes have adhesive in the bottom area under the curled lip of the underside?
any ideas? please help!?
thank you for any time taken to read and / or respond!