New brewer from Oklahoma


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Established Member
Oct 26, 2018
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I recently received some basic homebrew equipment, John Palmer's book How to Brew, and all the ingredients for a five gallon batch as a birthday present from my grandkids. I've never been much of a beer drinker but the brewing process appealed to the geek in me. When I tasted the first batch I thought, "So this is how beer is supposed to taste!" Well, I had the whole clan over for a beer tasting and pizza. The positive feedback I received encouraged me to try another batch which I'll be bottling this Saturday. I'm looking forward to experimenting with various recipes. My goal is to brew a beer that my wife likes.
welcome to the site and looks like you were bit by our bug good luck,
Welcome to the best hobby in the world.
Welcome @Blues I love it when a plan comes together... Happy Brewing!
Welcome Blues! Feel free to ask any questions that might come up while you're learning. There are a lot of great people here that love sharing advice and stories :)
Cheers Blues I'm yet to brew a beer the missus like but sure as hell wont stop me trying.
Ps. She dont drink beer but maybe one day I crack it with a great cider;).
Welcome from Missouri, neighbor. Good luck in your endeavor. The only brew that my wife really liked was a Raspberry Wheat.
Howdy! Glad you had such a great 1st batch, and here's to many more!
Welcome to the fermenter Blues! Happy wife, happy life. Enjoy:)
I've been thinking and I thought I should add a few words to my introduction. Although I was quite pleased with the taste of my first beer things did not go exactly as planned. When I racked the beer from the fermenter into the bottling bucket the racking cane I used was too small. It came apart and it fell into the carboy. My efforts to retrieve it only disturbed the trub and I ended up throwing a great deal of beer away. I broke the first two bottles while I learned to use the capper. So I got a grand total of 22 bottles out a 5 gallon batch. The second batch was a Belgian blonde recipe. The liquid yeast failed to start and after 72 hours I gave the carboy a whirl and the next day did a hydrometer reading. No change. So the local brew store owner recommended and sold me some Danstar Munich yeast. That took off like gangbusters and produced a good tasting beer although not the one intended. I was able to get 8 twenty ounce grolsch bottles and 33 twelve ounce bottles. I'm not discouraged in the least, in fact I'm looking forward to my next batch.
Getting the process down is a big learning curve. Happens to all of us.
I understand the frustration. Siphons can be maddening. Got rid of it through equipment upgrades. I now have a spigot on my kettle, fermenter, and bottling bucket. Not going back!
