Never throw beer away, all bad tasting beer is easily fixed

Ozarks Mountain Brewery

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Nov 20, 2012
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Never throw beer away, all bad tasting beer is easily fixed, (if you keg)

beer not tasting right? hot fermentation, bad hops ? or just a plain bad recipe ?
easily fixed using a paint strainer bag extra finishing hops and a racking cane. Depending on the bad taste add 1/4 to 1/2 ounce of your favorite finishing pellets to a 5 gallon paint stainer bag from anywhere like lowes. Tie the bag to the corner of the cane, place it down in the keg next to the tube and slide the other end under the side of the keg, it should fit perfect. Fill the keg as usual or add to already carbonated keg: WARNING you will have 5 seconds before it will over flow with foam in an already carbonated keg so be quick "I'm not kidding"
the result will be almost instant after 1 day, this will most doubt cloud up the beer if you use too much but it will taste very good so who really cares; better than pitching it. Remove the bag no more than 2 or 3 days or you will start to taste the gassy bitterness.

I learned this from a tip at my local brewery and a very strange week brewing, I now use it for more than half my beers just to get the flavor I like hope this helps
Re: Never throw beer away, all bad tasting beer is easily fi

Dry hop bomb the sucker to mask all the off flavors - cool!
Re: Never throw beer away, all bad tasting beer is easily fi

Other options: Keep it and blend it with something else that benefits from the off flavor.
Re: Never throw beer away, all bad tasting beer is easily fi

both good tips


