Munich Malt

It's more art than science. Nice work! Munich is a really nice malt, I keep a sack of it handy.
This is the result. It's a 3.4% table beer. This is the cask version, the keg version is even better.

Munich malt is definitely a staple from now on, super impressive.

View attachment 10718
Fantastic! What an excellent looking beer!
Not sure if I have responded to this thread at all... but I LOVE Munich malt! I use it quite a bit. I also enjoy Vienna malt and the two together are divine!
Please share the recipe!
This is the result. It's a 3.4% table beer. This is the cask version, the keg version is even better.

Munich malt is definitely a staple from now on, super impressive.

View attachment 10718
Nice looking beer Steve! I love Munich and use it to add a little sweet malt profile to pale 2-row base malt in place of Maris Otter or Lamonta. In larger quantities Munich makes a great Helles Bock. I look forward to seeing your recipe also. Cheers.
