Missing Hyperlink for Saaz Hops (and other entries)


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Mar 23, 2018
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I am experiencing a problem with missing hyperlinks that I can not resolve.

I have two recipes that use Saaz hops and both have the problem of the missing hyperlink to the main site Hops browser.


So far, all other recipes that have other hops listed have their hyperlinks in place and working and even in the same recipe, other hyperlinks exist and are working.


I have edited the recipes several times, reinstating the hops, saving and then looking again... each time the link to Saaz hops is missing.


I look at the Hops browser for Saaz hops and navigate to a random recipe that has Sazz hops.... the hyperlink is there.


I create a new SMASH recipe from scratch, save it, switch to View and the link is missing!...


All very puzzling.
Has anyone else seen this?

I have not looked at the phone App as I rarely use it but maybe someone else might have seen this.

Over to you Mark...


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Hej Alan, the hyperlinks only show up for ingredients that are part of the public BF ingredient catalog. Anything added from inventory won't have hyperlinks, I logged in and confirmed this is the case and added a default Saaz from your profile in the hypertest recipe.

So it's working as intended, but we could take a look and see if it's possible to apply some of the same logic being used to match inventory to ingredients for deduction purposes to this as well.
Hej Alan, the hyperlinks only show up for ingredients that are part of the public BF ingredient catalog. Anything added from inventory won't have hyperlinks, I logged in and confirmed this is the case and added a default Saaz from your profile in the hypertest recipe.

So it's working as intended, but we could take a look and see if it's possible to apply some of the same logic being used to match inventory to ingredients for deduction purposes to this as well.

Nope sorry I don't get that. In the above example where Saaz does not have a hyper link, the Hallertau Hersbrucker does have a hyperlink and both were taken from my inventory. Why does one have the link and the other not?

This is from the recipe MyPeroni4 where all the hops are from my inventory. If you notice, all the Fermentables are from my inventory too but only the Weyermann entries have a hyperlink. The other two may not have a recognised Brand name but then neither do any of the Hops have a Brand name associated with them so that can't be the reason for the condition. It has me puzzled.

Oh yeah that's fair. I think I got it fixed. We can try and do a mass DB update to catch these.

The issue may have been a previous issue that was resolved moving forward, and old inventories are affected, or if might have to do with the below.

Choose Saaz from the below list and the links now work (have to go back to your recipe, edit, change the hop and change it back to Saaz since it's still referring to your old inventory and isn't linked live for historical record purposes).
This creates a private inventory of the BF catalog ingredient Saaz, and should hyperlink.

VS Clicking Add Saaz, or just typing and hitting enter which will do the same.
This creates a new inventory of a private ingredient called Saaz.


I'll put in a ticket to change these behaviors accordingly.

1) If ingredient is exact name/brand/type match, then treat as same as BF ingredient.

2) When typing "saaz" if an exact match is found, that should be at the top, not "add Saaz".
Yes old entries may be the problem. My MyPeroni4 was an old recipe and I have been re-visitiing all my recipes and redoing the Fermentables to match my current inventory.

I'll give your suggestion a go and see what happens...
