Leg pain diagnosed

Steve Ruch

Well-Known Member
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Apr 28, 2020
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Fort Wayne, Indiana
I've been having pain in my left leg for quite a while. It got really bad a couple of months ago, so I got an appointment with my primary care doctor at the Fort Wayne V A.
After X-Rays, 14 days of prednisone, and an MRI it turns out it's from pinched nerves in my back.
The prednisone eased it up most of the way, but a week later it started getting bad again so my doctor suggests I get an epidural steroid injection.
Oh, no. That's terrible. I hope it gets solved by the injection. My friend did get a little relief with the epidural, but not very much so I hope it goes much better for you. I'll be thinking of you.
Oh, no. That's terrible. I hope it gets solved by the injection. My friend did get a little relief with the epidural, but not very much so I hope it goes much better for you. I'll be thinking of you.
Thank you.
I'm optimistic that it will since the prednisone helped for a while.
I've threw by back out lifting kegs in and out of my chest freezer, it sucks sorry
Sorry to hear!
Hope it gets better soon!
Late last year I had a lot of pain in my right leg & knee. Primary thought it was a torn meniscus. It turned out to be Iliotibial band (IT) tendonitis. Considering I work in I.T. I thought it appropriate I have a condition abbreviated as "IT". The exercises the orthopedic surgeon gave me (that I rarely do :rolleyes:) do help. Anyway, when I read the title, I has hoping the cause of your leg pain would be similarly minor. Sorry to hear it's not. I pray the epidural helps!
I've been having pain in my left leg for quite a while. It got really bad a couple of months ago, so I got an appointment with my primary care doctor at the Fort Wayne V A.
After X-Rays, 14 days of prednisone, and an MRI it turns out it's from pinched nerves in my back.
The prednisone eased it up most of the way, but a week later it started getting bad again so my doctor suggests I get an epidural steroid injection.
The steroids and epidural will address the symptoms. Consider chiropractic, as it has a reasonable success rate for this kind if thing. It does take a half dozen adjustments for it to "stick" though.
Yes, I too had to quit sitting on my wallet.
Had leg problems also sitting on it in front of a bunch of computers 12 hours a day.
Disc issues caused mine years ago. Surgery was what I required. Glad you got a good diagnosis now. Took them nearly a year of treating muscle issues to do an mri
If only it were that simple. The X-Ray showed wear and tear while the MRI showed pinched nerves.
Are the nerves pinched from bulging or herniated disc's?
That sucks Steve, I had a pinched/exposed nerve in my neck around a decade ago and it was hell. I got lucky and it eventually went away on it's own though.
I have an appointment Tuesday at the pain management clinic to determine where to apply an epidural steroid injection.
