Kegging setup


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Jun 13, 2017
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hey everyone, I have a line on a handfull of kegs so I want to start getting setup to get kegging.
Is there a good schematic out there for a 2 keg setup (will add more but 2 should be the same as 6) to show this.
Want to start ordering parts from Ebay/Amazon ASAP .
Same ive got one picnic tap in my line up does the job it does drip a little but.
2 kegs
1 regulator
gas tee off regulator
2 gas lines with quick connects
2 picnic taps
place to keep them cold
10 gallon of fresh homebrew
Same ive got one picnic tap in my line up does the job it does drip a little but.
I had one that also dripped, but if you tighten it up again (twist and tighten top), the dripping stops
2 kegs? A 5 cf chest freezer should do. My 10.6 cf freezer holds 8 kegs. I have 6 taps on it.
I have room for 7 kegs in mine, I run 4 taps off the front.
2 kegs? A 5 cf chest freezer should do. My 10.6 cf freezer holds 8 kegs. I have 6 taps on it.
How about a pic of that setup please
Buy quality and buy once .
Particularly with regs and fittings .
Start with picnic taps if needs be and spend extra on reg and gas fittings .
I started with cheap fittings that leaked and cost me a 10 kg bottle of gas .
I went upright fridge instead and mounted taps through the door so no font to keep chilled and taps are a good working height for 6'1" pirates and no lifting kegs over lip of a chest freezer
Here you go. My kids and their friends did the graffiti. The right two manifolds are low pressure serving. The left manifold is for force carbing.


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How about a pic of that setup please
I purchased a 5.2 CF Idylis (Lowe’s Brand) before I even started brewing as I knew I didn’t want to have to bottle, rather chose to bottle when I need/want to. The photos below show that I have room for two 5 gallon kegs (only one is in the Keezer in the photo as the other is kicked awaiting the next brew). I could actually fit a third keg, but it would have to be a 2.5 gallon keg as it will have to sit on the shelf. The 2nd photo shows that I have allowed for one more faucet when I get around to it and actually need it. So you can get three kegs in a 5 CF Keezer. I believe I paid less than $150 (US) over a year ago now for just the freezer. I recon I have another $600 in it when you include the kegs, regulator, parts to make the Keezer, etc. best of luck to you.


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