In what order do you drink your beer styles?


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Jun 13, 2017
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So in your Keezer/Kegorator you have ....say 4 kegs of beer. Brown Ale,
Amber Ale,
Pale Ale,
(I know there's more than four)
These are all about 4.75-6% beers.
You sit down with a few buddies on a warm Saturday afternoon to do a tasting.......what do you start with?
As Long as the NEIPA is not to IBU heavy, Light to Dark....
I'd probably start with Pale Ale and stay there. But otherwise Light to dark works for me.
Most subtle flavor to least: BoomerBrian got the list right. That is, unless you're watching football, then the order is strongest to weakest.
Work from lightest to strongest find the one or two i enjoy most then atick the them;). Thats what happens on my brews i mighta only kegged one recently so ill try it first to see where its up crarity/carbination wise then go get into that beer that is at its prime!
Hmmm, generally I would agree with light-2-dark, NEIPA is "light" in color, but not in taste.
I think Boomer is probably right, but I have recently had a few Pale Ales that were so bland, that I would rather have them before an Amber than after. IMO, depends on what your tastesbuds say... Big malt, big hops after the lesser, definitely not the other way around.
Interesting is when you have a big malt vs a big hop beer...which goes first!? ;)
