How Many beers do you typically drink before getting wobbly?

We cut ourselves off at 200 gallon a year.. That's our legal limit:rolleyes: Any more than that and we wobble.
Story? Had a tasting with my nephew and his better half a couple of weeks ago. Started out with samples of 2 Sam Adams Utopia's (amazing but not really beer, its in another category totally amazing) Tasted Goose Island Burbon County Stout from 2013-2017 (we have a stash) then the Coffee Stout, the Northwoods and their Barleywine barrel aged. We wobbled all afternoon and evening but the grill was going the entire time putting out excellent food and nobody got hit by a dart. Good times. Actually after the Utopia's we had some of my homebrewed Barleywines and Belgians (for brunch) that are getting some age on them now. 1 was a dumper, oxygen problems but 2 were good and 3 were excellent and improving. This is turning into an annual thing. By the way the 2013 Barrel aged Stout has won every year hands down so far but this years homebrewed Barleywine will give it a run I think down the line.

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Don't know why this picture came out blurred:confused:
great point there Headfirst on the BBQ or beer food IT IS A MUST for any homebrew session otherwise its short and sleepy.

Food and Beer go together especially BBQs
If I haven't eaten it takes about 3 pints of 5% for me to notice I've been drinking, if I've eaten it's closer to 6. I weigh about 210 right now but I've always had a really high tolerance. It's actually annoying as hell because that's a lot of calories.
I can't even remember when beer made me wobbly. :eek:

...and thats because I don't drink so much :p Usually a pint, two at max, on friday/saturday. Average ABV (4-6%) beer in those amounts won't make me wobbly.

And for drinking habits during ordinar weekdays; not more than a bottle (33cl) but not every day.
I’ve never really been a drink a beer after beer guy, rather I’ll tip back a few fingers of Wild Turkey to partner with a couple beers on the weekend to get me where I’m going ;)

My wife enjoys kicking back and drinking maybe 4-5 on the weekend night, so we keep the Keezer connected to a “sessionable” beer for my wife and a more “non-sessionable” beer for my beer appetite.

I don’t have any real stories about the after effects of beer, but legend has it that there’s a few stories that could be told about having too much Wild Turkey. Thankfully this is Brewers Friend Home brew forum and not a distilled spirits forum, as I would have to take the 5th! Oh the irony of taking the 5th! :rolleyes:
My most recent occasion of getting well cooked was making a 10 gallon batch a couple weeks ago with some friends. I had eaten the entirety of 2 pepperoni sticks the entire day and just was idly drinking small amounts here and there over 4 hours. I managed to get everything handled and put away but I was a wreck. At no point did I drink a full pint, but it all started to add up.
There are a ton of variables here. If I'm taking it easy (1-2 pints/hour) it's easy to go for a while before it catches up with me. We've had friends over (10 or so people) and have polished off a 5 gallon batch over the course of a few hours but everyone was fairly sober. However, if I knock back 4 or 5 pints in an hour and at that point it only takes me about an hour to be wobbly (less if I haven't eaten). Most of what I brew falls in the 4.5-6% abv range.
My most recent occasion of getting well cooked was making a 10 gallon batch a couple weeks ago with some friends. I had eaten the entirety of 2 pepperoni sticks the entire day and just was idly drinking small amounts here and there over 4 hours. I managed to get everything handled and put away but I was a wreck. At no point did I drink a full pint, but it all started to add up.
Haha. That'll get ya everytime! Funny how those little pulls neak up on ya. Especially if you've got several kegs tapped and keep sampling off them all lol.
3 weeks ago I was brewing a honey blonde ale while drinking a chocolate oatmeal stout at 6.5 abv. About hr n 30min into brew day it hit me hard I was smashed I had drank 7 of them! They were so good An smooth well it caught up to me real quick An hard the honey ale was suppose to be a 5 gallon batch ended up 3 gallon all my numbers off . Never again will I make that mistake hahaha
