Ok, not a beer but I was board to death today and didnt want to spend the day brewing so I did the next best thing. I had a packet of champagne yeast in the fridge that expired 4 months ago so I figured "what the heck!"
A quick trip to Sams Club and I was on my way to a 6gal batch of hard cider. Here is the recipe.
6gal apple juice
4cups white sugar
4cups light brown sugar
1tbs tannin
2tbs acid blend
champange yeast
This cider finnishes out real dry at about 9%. I plan to kill the yeast and force carb 5gal then put the rest in wine bottles for the celler. Nice and easy and 6gal for $25.00 not bad.
A quick trip to Sams Club and I was on my way to a 6gal batch of hard cider. Here is the recipe.
6gal apple juice
4cups white sugar
4cups light brown sugar
1tbs tannin
2tbs acid blend
champange yeast
This cider finnishes out real dry at about 9%. I plan to kill the yeast and force carb 5gal then put the rest in wine bottles for the celler. Nice and easy and 6gal for $25.00 not bad.