Grain Substitution


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Mar 14, 2018
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My recipe calls for 0.375 lbs of Caramunich III, my LHBS only has the Caramunich II.
Is crystal 60 a good substitute for caramunich III?
Just hoping to bring the color up to style, with the Caramunuch II I get SRM of 5.74, if I sub in the crystal 60 I get 6.08.
Style range is SRM 6-15, 14 India Pale Ale, 14B American IPA
they do not taste the same at all , go by the taste first then color in beer
What Ozark said...I tend to use Caramunich I in place of C-40 in recipes because the flavor is much more malt intensity than candy/caramel sweetness.
Use the Caramunich II and throw in just enough dehusked/debittered black malt to boost the color. Depending on style, you have to be careful of adding dark roasted notes, but Blackprinz or similar malts won't add the burnt flavors that roasted barley or black patent will.
The above two got it, about all I can add is if you want really neutral color: Midnight Wheat. Similar to Blackprinz, maybe just a touch less of the black malt flavor.
Thanks guys, my favorite part of this new hobby is that I am learning sh*t!
I will sub the caramunich II in place of the caramunich III. I would rather miss on the SRM than miss on the flavor.
BTW, I had another vacation day to use up, so I booked off this Thursday to brew, can't wait!
I don't know how accurate this is but I use it.

I have a lot of small bags of grain that are all nearly the same from when I started so I'm cutting down my number of grains,.
Thanks Hawkbox, I found that same site, which is why I asked about subbing in the crystal 60
The only inventory I currently keep is hops, I purchase all my grains and yeast per the recipe I am brewing.
Hitting the LHBS after work today to get ready for brew day this Thursday.
I have ~200lbs of grain in my garage and 20lbs of hops, so I have to do conversions.
