Gose questions!!


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Sep 24, 2019
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Tybee Island, Ga
Hey all,

Im brewing a Gose this week, I am gonna run my standard sour recipe. Soured with Lallemand Wild pitch for 24 hours and then finished with fruit and Voss. It is going to be a Watermelon/Lime Gose(I got told that was what the people wanted, I am not a fan of Gose but whatever).


My questions are:

How much Salt would you add?

From what iv seen online the recommendation ranges from 7-14g of salt in the boil/5 gal batch. I was gonna lean towards the lower end, and possibly just add the salt post fermentation to taste.

When would you add the Salt? I saw online most people toss it at the end of boil, but my fermenation already struggles so i was going to pitch it after the fermenation is completed. Does anyone see issues with this?

Thoughts on Coriander? I have plenty of Whole coriander on hand, but im not really sure that it plays well with Watermelon and lime?

Feed back would be appreciated!
Coriander and lime go very well together, but I'm not sure about the watermelon...
Coriander and lime go very well together, but I'm not sure about the watermelon...
it turned out really well, all of the flavors are fairly subtle. i ended up going with 3 ounces of sea salt which was the happy middle ground. I could have used more watermelon, but i added all that i had.
Do you need to do something special with that? Watermelon on its own doesn't do very well when it sits for a not so long time period. It almost goes to a vinegar. Does the alcohol prolong that time?
