Getting The Itch Again


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Apr 16, 2014
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So I started brewing back in the late 1980’s with the old extract kits and eventually turned to all grain and lastly went down the rabbit hole brewing low oxygen German lagers before giving it up 4 years ago and going off grid.

Now I’m thinking of going full circle and getting back in the game with some extract brews. I no longer have the power for all the fancy equipment and extra refrigerators. I have propane and a cellar that stays in the 50’s most of the winter and under 68 during the summer.

I’ve been doing my research on extract brewing and it seems the consensus is to either add extract late in the boil or even not boil. I was thinking of a 15 min boil with a single addition of a higher AA hop like Magnum to achieve my desired IBU. I would think a less vigorous 15 boil would be enough for the hops while not contributing to extract darkening and twang? This should also help with sterilization and be enough time for a good hot break?

I’ll probably go with a good German lager yeast, I see Northern Brewer has an Omega yeast that eliminates diacytle and other off flavors, sounds like a winner.

I’ll just do the old fashioned bottling with corn sugar and maybe upgrade from there as I go along.

Lots of stuff to relearn and research. I’d appreciate any comments or advice. Thanks
Welcome back to the brew madness ;)
I've never brewed with extract, so I can't help there, but I do brew just on the stove.
Smallish batches and currently without climate control.
I'm sure @Craigerrr and some others will pull in with extract brewing experience
