Thanks mate. My particulates are quite well dispersed and not properly caked. unfortunately cant add the fermenter in the fridgeYep totally normal especially for an all grain brew. I am not to concerned with trub in the brew house and let everything flow from kettle to fermentor. I usually get a good two inches of trub in my FV. Now if you can get the Fermentor into the fridge and cold crash that brew down to near freezing I've found it really compacts your trub down. I'm not sure if you tried this but it really helps sort out the particulate matter.
Your doing good mate keep on brewing.
so if its like that, shall I add 2 extra liters to my into fermenter volume? This would be a 7 liters fermenter volume with a 9 liter pre boil volume. btw, I'm brewing in a bag. I thought that trub loss would be reduced...
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