Fermentation time


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Established Member
Jul 9, 2012
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I like to use the arrows that change the stage of my brew. The "brewing, primary, secondary, conditioning, etc.". A lot of times I log into my brewing dashboard to see how many days I'm into my primary, secondary or conditioning. It would be extra convenient if there was a little part about how many days that was tied to my racking day that showed up somewhere on the dashboard, maybe next to that "Secondary Fermentation". Its just kind of a pain when i have to look at the date I racked it and check a calendar every time to know where i'm at.
Nice, yeah that would be something everybody could use. I like it! Stay tuned.
I think what we could do here is look into a calendar feature where you can set events, reminders, etc.
I would love a calendar feature that has reminders and such. Especially if I was able to share, export, or subscribe that calendar in one of the standard formats. That might be asking for a lot though so a simple calendar in Brewers Friend will be fine.
LarryBrewer said:
I think what we could do here is look into a calendar feature where you can set events, reminders, etc.

This would be great!! Right now I enter all my dates into Google Calendar. It would be awesome to have a calender built into BF.
This would be great and also have a e-mail or text message reminding you of a task requires ie move from primary to secondary, dry hop ect. would be very helpful. The email address or text address can be loaded in the profile.

Thanks for a great site. This has changed the way I look at my brewing and made it a lot easier to access.
Agree! A scheduling feature would be great! With a day counter :D
Blakeseven said:
This would be great and also have a e-mail or text message reminding you of a task requires ie move from primary to secondary, dry hop ect. would be very helpful. The email address or text address can be loaded in the profile.

Thanks for a great site. This has changed the way I look at my brewing and made it a lot easier to access.

In lieu of adding full calendering support here, could we just integrate with google calendar?

When things need to be scheduled (dry hopping, transferring to a keg, whatever)... if Brewers Friend had created a google calendar event... google would notify me with reminders, emails, etc...
I think the best option (time/cost/value wise) would be to just make all the events available in iCal format so you can subscribe to them from Google Calendar or other popular calendar apps. Reinventing the calendar is not worth the time, and I'm pretty sure everyone uses some calendar software already. All notifications are then handled by external application, so no work needed here too.

Additional idea: each recipe could define suggested time in primary/secondary/conditioning (with the ability to override this with a custom time), so its clear when each phase should start/end from recipe point of view.

The idea of using racking day for this seems nice, but maybe its better to stick with main phase events so its consistent, and maybe add some checkbox to "Rack" log entry to process the phase automatically to secondary?
+1 to supporting iCal.

It would be wonderful to have a simple calendar view in this interface.
But google calendar already has all the possibilities around notifications and invitations so publishing the calendar in iCal will be a simple way of supporting all those features.

What will come up when you have calendar possibilities, is a more advanced features around fermenting and conditioning. Take for example Duval which has the following steps in it's recipe:
1. Ferment at 68° F for two weeks
2. Rack to secondary and condition cool (50° F) for two weeks
3. One more week at 68°
4. Prime with dried malt extract, bottle and age three to four weeks at 45° F.

This is he also a good example for when a calendar view would be a perfect addition to this already wonderful site.
It seems this request has been around awhile and has not been responded to or addressed. they must not be interested in doing this or there is some reason they can't?
