Enable pricing to be changed on an ingredients list so it updates all recipes.


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Apr 21, 2021
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Hi, we've been thinking, with prices going up so often currently is there a way of having an ingredients list that you can add the prices to and it updates all your recipes?

The time implication of manually changing the costs of every recipe every month or so depending on cost increases is quite high.

A go-to place to amend the prices of grain, hops, etc, quickly would save a lot of time.

Not sure if a way exists already and we've missed it!

Cheers, :)
Hi, we've been thinking, with prices going up so often currently is there a way of having an ingredients list that you can add the prices to and it updates all your recipes?

The time implication of manually changing the costs of every recipe every month or so depending on cost increases is quite high.

A go-to place to amend the prices of grain, hops, etc, quickly would save a lot of time.

Not sure if a way exists already and we've missed it!

Cheers, :)

I'm thinking about this, and I agree that would be so helpful. The issue is, if it updates ALL recipes, including the ones in the past, it can mess up the reports for breweries with costs and reports at the end of the year. I think the only way to do this is to do separate inventory additions for ingredients that are a different price. For example, I bought Briess Two-row malt at $37/sack three months ago, but didn't use all of it and then bought the same malt sack at $42. So the costs would be different if we changed the prior recipes or used some of the rest of the less expensive sack. I can't think of any other way to do this with accuracy. Same with hops- those prices fluctuate based on where I get them from, or even from the same supplier.

I know that sounds like a pain, to change prices in the inventory and have to have "Briess two-row #1" and "Briess two-row #2" or the lot number....but I can't think of any other way to ensure accuracy.

@Pricelessbrewing Do you have any good ideas to help with this issue and to ensure it won't change reports of past brews?
