Drink Beer with your nose ??


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Premium Member
Oct 4, 2012
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You know the chefs saying, "You eat first with your eyes" ?
So, does it make sense to say, "You drink beer first with your nose" ??? :)
Depends on how thirsty you are. I generally find sipping preferable to snorting.... ;-)
It is true that we experience beer flavor with our sense of smell. More so for hoppy beer.
Makes sense having a cold changes the flavor eating different food too, our nose is connected to our throat
Serious reply: The majority of the flavor of everything we eat or drink is in our nose. We have only five distinct "tastes" in our repertoire: Sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami. Most of what we call "taste" is "aroma".
Sometimes, when tasting, I have experienced "nosefeel". :lol:
Well, there is drinkability, but what we really shoot for is naseability. :lol:
I know that having a nice aroma coming off the beer adds a great deal to the experience of drinking it. I never used to like IPAs, but that was when I was more used to consuming large quantities of macrobrews. I've since grown to love the hop aroma from a nice IPA or APA. I love Ranger, Gumballhead, and Alpha King for their burst of citrus and fruit flavors that hit your nose before they do your tongue.
eye's first then nose,then savor the flavor....if it looks nice ill have a sniff ... ;)
