(DONE) Statistics Page


Premium Member
Established Member
Jul 9, 2012
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I was thinking on my way home from work yesterday, I wonder how much beer I've made so far? I've done everything on brewers friend so far so all my information is stored here.

I think it would be cool to have a page with statistics containing information of all the brews you've made so far. It's mostly for fun, bragging rights or just general curiosity. Stuff like "you've used x pounds of hops", "you've brewed x gallons of beer so far", "your average efficiency is x", "in the last year your efficiency has increased by x percent", etc. etc.

You could combine fun stuff with general informational stuff on there. Since all the data is already in Brewers Friend I would think it would be pretty easy to grab the data and summarize it somewhere for each user.

Re: Statistics Page

Efficiency for a given batch size, adjusted for the grain weight would be really cool.

In Oregon by statute we are allowed to make 100 gallons of home brew per year, or 200 if there is another person in the house over 21. Not that I can drink that much in a year, but it would be interesting to know where I'm at.

Reports would come in handy for aspiring nano brewers, and even small scale pro breweries.
Re: Statistics Page

LarryBrewer said:
In Oregon by statute we are allowed to make 100 gallons of home brew per year, or 200 if there is another person in the house over 21.
What happens if you brew more?
Just curious, because here in Germany we can theoretically brew an unlimited amount, but we do have to let the authorities know beforehand and pay (thankfully very low) tax on anything over 200l/yr.
Re: Statistics Page

sbaclimber said:
LarryBrewer said:
In Oregon by statute we are allowed to make 100 gallons of home brew per year, or 200 if there is another person in the house over 21.
What happens if you brew more?

In the middle of the night, men in black suits show up at the door, barge in and destroy all your barrels with sledge hammers, then drag you away... never to be heard of again.

Actually, I don't know what happens. My guess would be a fine of some sort. There are Federal and State laws involved. Distilling is the big offense.
Re: Statistics Page

LarryBrewer said:
Distilling is the big offense.
Seems to be just about everywhere....except in NZ. :D
Re: Statistics Page

LarryBrewer said:
In the middle of the night, men in black suits show up at the door, barge in and destroy all your barrels with sledge hammers, then drag you away... never to be heard of again.

Actually, I don't know what happens. My guess would be a fine of some sort. There are Federal and State laws involved. Distilling is the big offense.

Actually, this would be a good argument for not keeping accurate notes. Why give them the information to convict you?
Re: Statistics Page

LarryBrewer said:
Efficiency for a given batch size, adjusted for the grain weight would be really cool.

I just noticed this comment. What do you mean with that?

In batch and no-sparge brewing a part of the efficiency is dependent on amount of wort held back in the grain. And that amount depends largely on grain weight. But that is not as easy for fly sparging.

Re: Statistics Page

Kaiser said:
LarryBrewer said:
Efficiency for a given batch size, adjusted for the grain weight would be really cool.

I just noticed this comment. What do you mean with that?

In batch and no-sparge brewing a part of the efficiency is dependent on amount of wort held back in the grain. And that amount depends largely on grain weight. But that is not as easy for fly sparging.


Well if a brewer got 75% efficiency with 10 pounds of grain, and 60% efficiency with 15 pounds, we have the makings of an equation there. Even if we plotted it that would be pretty cool.
Re: (NEXT RELEASE) Statistics Page

We'll put out a version of this in the next release that will include date range searches. An overall summary and an ingredients summary with drill down will be present. The efficiency aspect is a bit tricky so that will have to wait.
