(DONE) Brew session count on recipes


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Premium Member
Sep 27, 2012
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It's great that the counting of brewing sessions has been fixed in the latest release!

I sometimes use the "brew" button in order to see the mash water calculator and figure out the amounts I want to put on my mash steps. This has been distorting the brew counts of my recipes, because deleting the sessions didn't decrease the brew count. now it works great. :)

*But*, it would be nice to do "refresh" in the database now and reset all the brew counts according to the number existing brew sessions, so that the recipes that are already skewed (like my own) would get fixed.

Actually, maybe instead of having a field where the brew counts are recorded in the recipe it could be counted dynamically each time the value is requested? Something like: "brewcount = count brewsessions where brewsession.recipe_id == requested_recipe_id". Would that be too heavy to do each time at runtime?
Re: Brew session count on recipes

We'll see what we can do to identify and correct these cases.
Re: (NEXT RELEASE) Brew session count on recipes

The next release will correct brew counts for recipes with deleted brew sessions. This only applies where the deletes happened prior to the introduction of the logic that reduces the brew count by 1 when a brew session is deleted.

It doesn't address cases where a recipe's brew count was incremented at the same time a snapshot was created and the subsequent brew session was deleted. That is fairly rare, and adds complexity to the task so we tabled that aspect of the project.
