Does there have to be a hot Break?

Brewer #56434

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Trial Member
Mar 7, 2016
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Haven't brewed in 12 years (marriage and kids got in way) but am getting back to it. I'm brewing now and I'm not getting a hotbreak even though I've got a nice rolling boil. I wanted to see if it's because I'm trying a few things differently.

I'm doing a late malt addition to have my triple be somewhat light colored. I'm also reconstituting the bitter hops in hot wort in a bowl before adding to the pot. Finally I'm using a 10gal pot with 3 gal of water in it and a stainless steel bazooka in there.

So I've got 3.15 lbs of Maillard Malts® Pilsen Malt Extract Syrup, 1 lb Belgian candi sugar, the hops, and 1 lb of liquid sugar. Nice constant boil but no boil over at all.

Is this expected, or is there something I did wrong? Do you have to have a hot break?

Any advice is appreciated.

I wouldn't worry about it. I get varying degrees of hot break amounts between different brews.
Fwiw, I just pour everything in the fermenter anyway, so it's kind of a moot point for me.
Things have seemed to work out well so far
Ive had all kinds of hot breaks, different colors and some none at all, I will say though the higher efficiency beers have a thick layer that stays on top of boiling for a while before it subsides but the beers without still tasted fine
You're using all extracts, right? I have experienced considerably less hot break problems with syrup than I have when brewing all grain. My latest batch, a pilsner, with about 85% pilsner malt had the most protein floating in it than I've ever seen, and it threatened to boilover on several occasions.. It looked like egg drop soup at one point, WAAAY more noticeable than in any other brew I've done, and I've done a lot. Just started doing all grain batches last year though. Yeah...extracts have got NOTHING on all-grain brews. No—thing.
I would say you didn't have a hot break because of the amount of adjuncts you used. I bet everything will be just fine.
there already was a hot break when they made the extract. So you would have a smaller hot break during your brew, and you don't see it.
