DIY Hop Spider - Poor Man's Version

Here's the picture.


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How do you go about the Imersion cooler at the end of the boil
image.jpeg Here a pic of my diy ghetto spider. 4"-3" pvc reducer that I had left over from another remodel project, some metal strapping that I didn't use on some garage cabinets, machine screws and SS worm gear clap hold the nylon hop bag to the bottom of the pvc - works slick
When it time to throw the chiller in I lift it out-insert chiller- and drop it back in the center of my double coil chiller
so gonna try something like this my coming brew! Now that I have a dedicated boil pot with spout (just arrived today!), it will be great to not have to worry about hops plugging it up. :)
Cheers for the pics fellas yep use home brew blokes are geniuses aye?:rolleyes: Will definitely be tackling this project with more confidence. Those pellet hops sure do produce a lot of trub especially when using low AA hops in lagers where you need plenty to get your Bittering units. So will get some PVC pipe a paint strainer bag stainless steel large clamp, and some metal strapping or threaded rod whichever is cheaper. It don't need to look good it just needs to work :)
I think I may consider doing this, just for fun. Find a suitable reusable bag, and I'm sure I already have mounting hardware. It'll be especially useful for my Holiday Cheer, which has grated orange peel and grated ginger in it. That stuff makes a mess of my immersion chiller.
image.jpeg I'm currently trolling eBay and some other sites for 304 SS mesh for a new diy hop filter. My spider works well but I suspect while brewing higher ibu recipes; wort contact with the hops in my nylon bag is not adequate.kettle convection currents should flow through better with the mesh column running top to bottom. Plus I like making stuff so win/win ;)
Well that's an interesting idea. I suppose I could just use my spare BIAB bag for hops and adjuncts. That gets me full wort volume inside the bag, and removable at flame out. Is there a reason why not?
Well that's an interesting idea. I suppose I could just use my spare BIAB bag for hops and adjuncts. That gets me full wort volume inside the bag, and removable at flame out. Is there a reason why not?

I thought about doing it that way, just stretching the bag over the kettle, lifting as much hop gunk and trub out as possible. Then I realized the bag would be on the bottom of the kettle, in essence, in contact with the flame, and decided on the route you see. Flavors of scorched cotton or melted nylon don't appeal to me in my beer.... The only reservation I have about using the spider is utilization: Will I get less hoppy goodness out of my hops. A few brews will tell.

Oh, forgot to mention: The bags float. There's a rather large stainless steel nut at the bottom of the hop spider to keep it submerged.
Yeah, the thought of a boil flame concerned me, too. I could hike it up the pot to keep it away from the bottom. Then it's the top of the bag that catches fire!
Does anyone have a minnow bucket with really small holes? :p:cool:
I've thought of that one, too. I'm thinking of a basked of very fine stainless mesh that would fit fairly snugly within the kettle with handles to be lifted out once the boil is complete.
View attachment 939 I'm currently trolling eBay and some other sites for 304 SS mesh for a new diy hop filter. My spider works well but I suspect while brewing higher ibu recipes; wort contact with the hops in my nylon bag is not adequate.kettle convection currents should flow through better with the mesh column running top to bottom. Plus I like making stuff so win/win ;)
I was trolling eBay too last night Welshman haha and I can pick on up 25 bucks free delivery from China! Maybe cheaply made but they sure do drive a bargain heck I can't make my own for less than that price:p.

I was wondering how to keep the nylon down Nosey I was thinking marbles too.

One more thing.. I've also seen picks on google of a different way to keep the hops back and trub is a Imersion chiller inside nylon bag inside wort and sypon inside chiller so when racking off wort from kettle its sucking from inside bag what do ya think different eh? You get my drift?
I was trolling eBay too last night Welshman haha and I can pick on up 25 bucks free delivery from China! Maybe cheaply made but they sure do drive a bargain heck I can't make my own for less than that price:p.

I was wondering how to keep the nylon down Nosey I was thinking marbles too.

One more thing.. I've also seen picks on google of a different way to keep the hops back and trub is a Imersion chiller inside nylon bag inside wort and sypon inside chiller so when racking off wort from kettle its sucking from inside bag what do ya think different eh? You get my drift?

Aquired a good sized sheet of 316 SS 400 mesh today for my favorite price !! :D pics to come when get out into the shop hehehe
