Customize LHBS for purchase option


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Premium Member
Nov 6, 2013
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Have you guys thought of customizing the purchase option? I'd love to be able to send a request to my local home-brew shop (LBHS) to pick up grains/hops/yeast as needed for the brew session I'm planning. This would be particularly useful while we continue to be visited by the 'Rona.' My LBHS (Windsor Homebrew, Anaheim California) will pull my grain bill, etc, but it would be so nice to be able to set them as my default LBHS and click on Purchase to order my next supply list.

Thanks for considering!
Yes we have discussed it quite a bit. My understanding is that from a developer point of view this is very difficult, ,but I’ll bring it up again and see if we can come up with something that will enable this to work. We have a ton of international members, so it’s not as simple as it first sounds.
Have you guys thought of customizing the purchase option? I'd love to be able to send a request to my local home-brew shop (LBHS) to pick up grains/hops/yeast as needed for the brew session I'm planning. This would be particularly useful while we continue to be visited by the 'Rona.' My LBHS (Windsor Homebrew, Anaheim California) will pull my grain bill, etc, but it would be so nice to be able to set them as my default LBHS and click on Purchase to order my next supply list.

Thanks for considering!
Windsor Homebrew in Anaheim, California is my “new” lhbs. Nearby, Phantom Ales serves as my “old” lhbs. I shop at both. Cheers local brewer!
