Custom Recipe Folder (count)


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Jun 27, 2019
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A heads up:

I was cleaning out my recipe folders today (deleting unnecessary snapshots) and noticed that the (count) in the folder never changed. The below folder had 2 snapshots in it earlier today. They are gone, but the folder still says (4).

did you check the snapshots box?
Not sure I follow.

The above "Wheat" folder originally had 2 recipes (shown above) + 2 corresponding "snapshots" of those recipes when I brewed them. 4 recipes in all. I deleted the now opening the folder it correctly only has 2 recipes in it, but FOLDER still says "Wheat (4)" Shouldn't that be (2)?
in the picture the snapshots check box needs to be checked when viewing all recipes
If I check the snapshots box, the 2 recipes shown above disappear. I have no snapshots to show because I deleted all of them. So I’m assuming if you check snapshots, it only shows snapshots.


I only have 2 recipes in my Wheat folder.

My question is, if I only have (2) recipes in the folder, why does the Folder show (4)?

Sorry if this is obvious to most. It makes zero sense to me.
Looks like it was changed, that check box was for including snapshots, now it's only snapshots, too many changes for me to keep up with lol, now I have no clue
Looks like it was changed, that check box was for including snapshots, now it's only snapshots, too many changes for me to keep up with lol, now I have no clue
Why don't we specify the requirements:
- When the "snapshots" box is not checked, do not show snapshots
- When the "snapshots" box is checked, show snapshots grouped with the primary recipe

BTW, I got to check out the "units" problem while putting in a recipe - it now works intuitively for grain at least - when you type in a number and change the units, if there is no fermentable in the fermentables window, it does not change the value you typed. That should be default behavior for all boxes with selectable units.
Confirmed the issue, which strangely continues even if you delete the snapshot then add more recipes to the folder or create more snapshots in that folder.
