Chapitalizatoin calculator -Beer


Trial Member
Oct 29, 2017
Reaction score
Fennville, Michigan
I didn't know who I might send this to, or what section of the forum, so posting it here. Move if needed or sticky, or modify.
It is what we use at the winery when we want to raise the Brix of grape juice up to a certain level. It is not in S.G. so you would need to go to the Brix to SG converter or any website that has Brix-S.G. and figure what your start S.G. is at in Brix (same as Plato for practical applications) and where you want to be. Example: Your wort is at 11.5 Brix = 1.0463 S.G. but you want it at 1.050 (thereabout). Your desired S.G. is actually 12.4 Brix = 1.050 S.G. Just click on the tab at the bottom to switch back and forth between Sucrose (cane/beet sugar) and Dextrose (corn sugar). It takes more dextrose to come to the same Brix, over sucrose, and that is factored in. Change the gallons to what you have.

I over shot my boil last night and instead of ending up at 1.052 I ended up with 20.5 Brix = 1.085 S.G. Way to much water was boiled out int he 60 minutes of this experimental 1 gallon batch. So, I added water to bring down the S.G. but I put in just a bit too much water and ended up at 1.046 IIRC so added dextrose back in to boost it back up to 1.0503 estimating at my volume. Pre boil was 1.048 so I really didn't have to do much boiling to up the S.G. to my target.
I did not feel like adding water and re-boiling this all over again, although that would have worked as well, except for the last 10 minutes of adding aroma hops to the boil.

Anyway, sharing this little excel file to whom ever wants it. Has worked wonders for us at the winery as it also keeps track of what sort of acid we get after upping our Brix with adding sugar, AND the new calculated volume. You have 4500 gallons of juice and bring up the juice form 19.5 to 22.5 brix, you would be surprised at the number of extra gallons you get.

well.. if you can tell me how to upload an excel file I'd gladly post that file :(


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google drive download?
Not to mention the math itself is easy: G1*V1=G2*V2. Once you have V2 = G1 * V1 / G2 (use points: (1-SG)*1000), you can dilute to the new volume by subtracting. If you need to add gravity, it's the same math. Once you start to think in "points", the math for adjusting gravity or volume becomes really easy. I had to today: I had 3.25 gallons of 1.043 wort, I wanted 1.040. Converting to points I divided 43 by 40 and multiplied times 3.25, then subtracted the original 3.25. Within rounding error, it was a quart of water I needed.
