California Common not clarifying

Buckeye Guy

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Trial Member
Jan 19, 2013
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I have a California common brew in the 2ndary fermenter and on its 2nd week (plus one week in primary). I checked it last night and it still looks very cloudy. I moved it to a warmer spot in the house since my basement is in the upper 50s and now it will be in the upper 60s. Any other suggestions or observations.
I also noted a tangy-sour smell when in the primary fermentation, which has dissipated since. This is my 3rd time brewing and thought i was getting fairly proficient at the process. Any help would be appreciated.
Could be a yeast dsyfunction or infection. Post a pic if you can.

You might try adding a clarifier like gelatin to the secondary to see if that helps any.
What kind of yeast did you use? Wyeast 2112 rocks for a crystal clear Cali Common, I would give that a go next round.
Depending on yeast this is not uncommon to not clarify right away. Sour smells are reason for concern. Vinegary is a bad beer. Some yeasts cause sour smells while working. It's amazing the different smells from different yeasts. Brewed a BIG amber once with a safale 05, took the lid off and a big whiff and almost fell over from alcohol inhalation! As Larry said "pic"? Lots of things to check but always remember when in doubt,"STOP BACK AWAY FROM THE BEER THE YEASTIES KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING"
I patiently waited a week in the new warmer climate and found that the tangy smell was gone. The beer clarity had improved somewhat, so i waited some more. After a few more days i decided to take the beer downstairs to the basement where it had been originally and get it ready for bottling. I read an article about adding gelatin to the 2ndary a couple days prior to bottling for clarity. Well after 1 evening in the new colder spot, it must have acted like a cold crash (not as cold as a usual cold crash). The beer was remarkably clear after 2 nights in the colder temp, and upon sampling tasted wonderful. So i never did add the gelatin. Can not wait till the bottles are fully conditioned so i can enjoy the fruits of all my worrying!
And Ninkasi remedies everything....Good to hear that, thanks for the follow up. Cheers to a good plan coming together....
The best answer is almost always RDWHAHB: = Relax, Don't Worry, Have a Home Brew!

Thank you Charlie Papazian in The Complete Joy of Homebrewing, for such a true saying.
LarryBrewer said:
The best answer is almost always RDWHAHB: = Relax, Don't Worry, Have a Home Brew!

Thank you Palmer for such a true saying.

Actually, it was Charley.
Corrected, and thank you for pointing it out. Hey, I was close... :D
