Brewing up a few batches for a party later this month just kegged a session IPA, ESB in primary and looking at the guest list Im gonna need one more keg.
Think I want to try an apricot blonde. Any experience out there ? Nosy I know you have played around with fruit in past posts. Also the recipe I found calls for Wy1099 whit bread I haven't had the pleasure of that strain anyone like or dislike that strain I've been lovin on 1968 but my be a bit much for a blonde.
Think I want to try an apricot blonde. Any experience out there ? Nosy I know you have played around with fruit in past posts. Also the recipe I found calls for Wy1099 whit bread I haven't had the pleasure of that strain anyone like or dislike that strain I've been lovin on 1968 but my be a bit much for a blonde.