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Aug 27, 2022
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Well, you win some and you lose some. Today's brew was for the most part a loss. I did an AHA Learn To Home Brew Recipe today. Unfortunately for me, my numbers are coming in way low. This was an extract recipe that I brewed.

My OG is coming in at at 1.020. Taken on a Hydrometer. I do know that the recipe called for a final result of 1 Gallon. I am closer to 2 Gallons post bowl. Interestingly, for some reason I cannot explain, I decided on a 3 gallon steep not a 2 gallon steep. I am pretty sure this was my biggest hurdle.

I am going to try again in a few days so I am not giving up the joy of brewing, just kind of frustrated with myself. Oh well, live and learn.
Not understanding this at all. You wanted 1 gallon but mashed in 3 gallons?

If your extract was for 1 gallon then the low OG is because you have 2x too much liquid
yep pretty much what I figured out after the fact. I was an idiot. LOL Learning is hard but worth it. Time for a new run at it. But I had fun brewing so on to batch 2
yep pretty much what I figured out after the fact. I was an idiot. LOL Learning is hard but worth it. Time for a new run at it. But I had fun brewing so on to batch 2
Yup stick to the numbers for now man then once you've got it worked out experiment a bit;)
yep pretty much what I figured out after the fact. I was an idiot. LOL Learning is hard but worth it. Time for a new run at it. But I had fun brewing so on to batch 2
With brewing, everything is about the ratio. Extract brewing simplifies things because the amount of fermentable sugars is a set value. The variable is how much liquid is added to dilute the sugars, aka the ratio of sugar: water. Recipe calculators are your friend in this instance. Enter the weight of extract and a goal OG and the calculator will tell you how much water is needed.

Keep on brewing, friend! It gets easier with time and diligent note taking :)
Yup stick to the numbers for now man then once you've got it worked out experiment a bit;)
Yeah, I am not sure what I was thinking when I did it. but looking at the calculator I will be still making a beer just not a strong one right now. Thank you all for allowing me to be a doofus right now. I am looking forward to doing this recipe again with the correct numbers next time.
With brewing, everything is about the ratio. Extract brewing simplifies things because the amount of fermentable sugars is a set value. The variable is how much liquid is added to dilute the sugars, aka the ratio of sugar: water. Recipe calculators are your friend in this instance. Enter the weight of extract and a goal OG and the calculator will tell you how much water is needed.

Keep on brewing, friend! It gets easier with time and diligent note taking :)
Yes the note taking ins taking on a new level of need and learning. I am really having fun with it and checking myself along the way.
Yeah, I am not sure what I was thinking when I did it. but looking at the calculator I will be still making a beer just not a strong one right now. Thank you all for allowing me to be a doofus right now. I am looking forward to doing this recipe again with the correct numbers next time.
Hey brewing isn't all about the brew day it's yeast handling and cleaning and packaging plenty more learning for this brew yet:).

Don't sweat the numbers too much.
Hey brewing isn't all about the brew day it's yeast handling and cleaning and packaging plenty more learning for this brew yet:).

Don't sweat the numbers too much.
Not really sweating the numbers, more kicking myself for a few minor things. But at least I am learning as I go.

Heck, my first few loaves of bread did not turn out so well when I was going to culinary school. Eventually, I was getting consistently good loaves that rolled out but it took lots of practice. I can only get better as I go.
You got the right spirit :cool:
Relax, we all make mistakes, and those teach you a heck of a lot!
I'm sure next time you will double check amounts etc

But just in case: if next time your OG is too low, boil longer. May not work with extract, but works a dream with full volume biab.
Or, aim for a higher OG, and dilute with water after the boil. I do this to get a higher volume than my equipment can handle and to help with cooling (I use cold, previously boiled water)
Well, you win some and you lose some. Today's brew was for the most part a loss. I did an AHA Learn To Home Brew Recipe today. Unfortunately for me, my numbers are coming in way low. This was an extract recipe that I brewed.

My OG is coming in at at 1.020. Taken on a Hydrometer. I do know that the recipe called for a final result of 1 Gallon. I am closer to 2 Gallons post bowl. Interestingly, for some reason I cannot explain, I decided on a 3 gallon steep not a 2 gallon steep. I am pretty sure this was my biggest hurdle.

I am going to try again in a few days so I am not giving up the joy of brewing, just kind of frustrated with myself. Oh well, live and learn.
Way too much water which accounts for the low gravity. More is often not better in brewing. P. s. the Brew Hut gives lessons....
