Brewer’s Waste

Semper Sitientem

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Apr 14, 2019
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Just curious what everyone does with their spent grain?
My last few brews, all my spent grains have gone to our goats.
It depends on the time of year. Sometimes, it goes to a friend for her chickens or a different friend for her cows and pigs. Sometimes I use it at my deer blind for the deer. Once in a while, it goes into the compost. And on occasion. I make dog biscuits for my dog (and he loves them).
Compost here, we have a green bin program, bloody good thing too!
Compost. Throw it on the garden and rake it in.
I put mine in the yard, around the base of decorative flowering tree. Birds and rodents love the stuff. Though I still haven’t tried, legend has it that you can dry it, grind it to flour for baking. Many seem to use spent grains (wet) in bread and pretzels. I need to get a couple bags of spent grains out of my freezer, and put them to good use.
I didn't know you had possums over there cool noisy little Bas@@rds!
They make an ungodly noise at night.
I don’t think ours are the same species.
I didn't know you had possums over there cool noisy little Bas@@rds!
They make an ungodly noise at night.
Not that they are any more or less annoying, but I was surprised to discover when I moved to NZ that "your" possums

....are different than "our" (US) possums....and ours are quieter :p
The US possums are unfairly maligned. They are quiet, nocturnal, and feast on grub worms, ticks, and lots of other bugs. But I have noticed that they also like spent brewers grain.
The US possums are unfairly maligned. They are quiet, nocturnal, and feast on grub worms, ticks, and lots of other bugs. But I have noticed that they also like spent brewers grain.
Our Colorado jackalope larvae (the scrawny, mangy looking prairie rabbits) love the stuff, too. So I work it in quickly. There's a large patch of fairly pristine prairie just east of our house - the jackalope larvae belong there.
The US possums are unfairly maligned.
To be fair, growing up in the north east, I wasn't exposed to much dislike of possums early on....up there things like raccoons, foxes, and even squirrels cause more problems. Possums and porcupines are mostly just roadkill (like armadillo in the SW)...
Dog biscuits, mixed with peanut butter and baked
What a great idea. I took my crystal #40 from today's brew and added some peanut butter and a bit of flower to get some consistency and threw it in the frig. I bake it later tonight and try to let you know how the dog test goes. The suggestions about feeding to deer works, too. We have a camp and corn is not getting any cheaper.
We take some of it and mix it 50/50 with oatmeal and make a nice porridge the next morning. The rest I dry in the oven and grind up for extra flour. Adding to mixes makes stuff go a long way plus it’s a nice hearty taste. We eat heavy breads with seeds anyway.
