Brewer from Utah

Jul 16, 2013
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So I piggy backed on another Utah brewers post, but thought I should introduce myself properly.

Name is Brad. I am new to brewing, started with a Mr Beer for Fathers day, quickly added a second Mr Beer. Then just recently got a killer deal on a brewers best complete setup ($25!) to start doing 5 gallon batches.

I did a couple Mr Beer HME, but the last couple I have done lme/dme with steeping grains. The Mr Beer route was not challenging or creative enough, but it did give me a good start into the process (#1 is just done with 4 weeks carb/cond) I am just getting ready to do batch #6 which is the first 5 gallon batch for me. I have been keeping records of what I have done and mistakes I have made in process, so I can improve. I stumbled on this website and quickly joined since I loved the recipe feature and have been playing with it alot.

The brew log steps are very handy, I have used then, but there were simple little things I kept overlooking or not thinking about that might not pertain to the masses, but did me. I have attached my extract brewing steps and would appreciate any feedback anyone has on what I have wrong or missed. Keep in mind it is extract, not AG.

Thanks everyone and cheers!

PDF not allowed so here is a dropbox link.
Welcome to the fold!

Brew steps look good to me. Nice tips on addressing re-hydration of dry yeast.
