Brew calendar


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Apr 22, 2013
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It would be nice to be able to plan out my brews for a few months in advanced. For example I need to brew for a competion in July, a club event in August, a wedding in September and then it's on to Christmas. Since I'm doing different styles, including lagers I will need to know when to brew ... It would mean planning the receipe out more in advance, but then you could add alarms for transferring, temp changes and account for bottle conditioning and I would have to supply a base timeline per brew.. When you have it setup with your saved receives you could thn see at a glance what you will have time to brew or when your drop dead date would be to start.
Cross referencing this post:

The ability to schedule events like racking, diacetyl rests, dry hopping would be neat. A fully featured calendaring app is a project in its own right, so we will likely start out with something basic.

What I do is 'brew' the recipe the day I make the starter, but then set the brew date to 2-3 days later (when I actually plan to brew).

To open this up a little more, what are some situations where brewers want reminders?
When to dry hop
Must bottle by (to avoid dry hops spoilage)
Okay to drink

The idea that some beers take longer than others to mature is interesting, and would warrant a new field on the recipe editor - okay to drink after X days... From there working backwards to a brew date would be possible. I can see how that would be extremely useful to serious brewers who have lots of competitions going on.

We would probably want an overall brew calendar, with the ability for brew sessions to add certain events and reminders with notifications. The notifications are extra work because we have to setup a background job to scan for them and then fire off messages/emails when appropriate.
+1 for all of this. I hope this isn't redundant.

I imagine implementation would be more than trivial, but I'd really like both a forward looking calendar for planning and a historical calendar for tracking results. For instance, if I have 3 different brew sessions in various stages of completion, I'd like to easily see how many days batch A has been conditioning; how many days until batch B needs to be lagered; and how many days until I dry hop batch C. I would like to be able to set target and actual dates for each of these, and I'd like a range of the most common "day-count-based" brewing tasks available.

Thanks for the great product, I'm looking forward to any updates.
