Been doing research


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Jan 15, 2017
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Sorry I have been absent for a few days, high voltage man recommended a few site for me to look at based upon my desire for great tasting lager.

It's a treasure chest of knowledge and a lot to take in, and desifer, then determine my next move to brewing tasty german and bavarian style lagers.

I feel if I can brew a good tasting lager, I can brew anything.
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Kai Troester's site at has some really good, if rather highly technical, info on German beers in general.
There was a link of him doing a Bavarian Lager talk out here in Australia on that site too. This krausening is a new idea I've never here'd of putting green lager in keg and adding 3% beer at high krausen to it to Finnish it off under controlled pressure great idea especially for the big boys.
I've been looking at that also I'm getting ready to do some alterations to my system to try and eliminate oxygen Ingress I figured out how I'm going to put a mesh cap in the mash tun and wort cap in the boil kettle and I also tested my fast fermentors for pressure last night I came out with an interesting ending they could hold up to almost 25 pounds since it's a conical fermenter and I have a sample port at the bottom there's no need to pressurize it with O2 at 10, 11, or 12 pounds like a keg I can ferment in that container separate the east let it naturally carbonate in that same container and pressurize it from the top with maybe a pound or two of o2 and be able to pull it from the sample port as a serving container very similar to the cornical that blichmann just brought out, with the sample port at the bottom it's mostly gravity-fed one or two pounds of pressure from the top will easily push it out so I don't know if I will be Brewing this weekend for sure but I know I'm doing some alterations for sure if I can get them done in the system tested in time I might go ahead and Brew also
If you put your beer into a keg and you fill it to the rim all the way up as far as you can get it lock it off so it can build pressure you're creating oxygen when the yeast eat the sugars the oxygen is going to naturally carbonate that beer at the same time because it's basically going to force it into the beer because there's no more room in the keg you just need a pressure relief system
If you put your beer into a keg and you fill it to the rim all the way up as far as you can get it lock it off so it can build pressure you're creating oxygen when the yeast eat the sugars the oxygen is going to naturally carbonate that beer at the same time because it's basically going to force it into the beer because there's no more room in the keg you just need a pressure relief system
Yea a spunding valve :p. What are you going to do about krausening your beer once it's 3/4 done fermenting?
I will put a pound or two of pressure from a CO2 bottle to keep it from krausening
The fast fermenter has a collection ball that I can separate the east from the beer
Well the main thing is better tasting lager eh crunk? Im on my 4th day fermenting my bohimian pilsner atm its chugging along fine @10c will start raising toward d rest soon.
If you know exactly what your FG will be you can rely on the remaining ferment to carbonate your beer also
There's a calc on this site that will help you out
Be aware you'll need to be extremely accurate with your current FG and 100% of your FG particularly if you bottle in glass
I'm striving to learn all I can, and to brew better beer everytime I brew.
Ah don't worry crunk you've got the mojo mate you love brewing and I can tell the passion ain't waining anytime soon. That sort of,passion = bloody good beer IMO:cool:.
I'm having trouble getting on the German Brewing. Net forums if anybody is a member over there I'm not even able to get to an email to let a moderate or know, if anybody happens to have the moderators email that I can send him an email and let him know I'm having problems I would appreciate it
