Batch sparging

I boil, freeze, pitch for starter personally.
I do not boil twice, boil my starter wort then freeze and just thaw
so the way it works is I'm fly sparging and I don"t try to get every drop out of my mash tun or skimp on water, I add too much water on purpose on top of the mash so the flow is continuous and nothing is disturbed so less trub basically, now that extra water sits in the mash tun and slowly pulls the last bit of sugar off and sits at the bottom now this is thin wort so as I’m boiling the main beer all the liquid drains slowly down and I just open the valve after the boil and save that to a bucket, it has all the bits and pieces of grain so I pour the clear wort off then boil it separately for about 30 minutes or until it evaporates to the correct 1040 ish, I chill it in the sink then add to equal baggies with 1700ml in each baggie, those go in the deep freezer and wait for me to thaw out in the microwave for a starter
Quite the process, but i like it! I collect the wort (similar where i have abundance of sparge water in tun) in mason jars, filled such that it splashes out when i screw on the cover and put it away like that, and boil down / chill afterwards. Save freezer space and thaw time your way!

One difference though, I don't freeze I chill mine the fridge.
I use 1L PET bottles and freeze them. I had mason jars shatter in the freezer on my first attempt so I stopped doing that.
Can't blame ya - if i froze them I would probably do the same
