Anyone seen something similar to what is in my Primary?


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Mar 6, 2016
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So I opened up my Primary for a little peek today after a week fermenting, I was greeted by something I can only assume means I'm about to ditch a batch for the first time.

I'm thinking some kind of bacteria but I've never seen a mess like this before. Has anyone on here ever seen anything like whats in these pictures? I threw the top back on and left it but I'm guessing its the toilet bowl for this brew.


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Looks like yeast to me. I wouldn't worry about it. Give it some time, you may see it drop in a few days. How does it smell or taste?
unfallen krausen, yeast or trub let it ride unless the gravity says otherwise
It doesn't smell bad but its consistency is very thick, like a sludge. It has slowed but is still fermenting so I guess I'll leave it for now and see. Caught me off guard as I've never seen it so lumpy on the top. But everyday is a school day.
Floating yeast flocs. They'll either eventually fall out or you can siphon the beer from underneath them.
So its been a few days now and that stuff is still floating. If it smells ok, you really reckon its good enough to just siphon underneath and not worry?
McAvinbrew said:
So its been a few days now and that stuff is still floating. If it smells ok, you really reckon its good enough to just siphon underneath and not worry?
Yep. Taste a sample. I have never known anyone to suffer harm from homebrew... either personally or reading about it. (Not talking about severe hangovers or disruptive intestinal disturbances from drinking fermenting brew!) I have yet to hear of an instance where someone created something harmful to drink as long as they were happy with their brewing technique and it didn't smell bad. Worst it can do is just taste bad.

That's not that bad really, I've seen lots worse. Wish we had had cell phones back in the day when I first started brewing. I have seen some stuff.
It looks like coagulated protein to me (hot or cold break). As long as it tasted fine I'd rack from underneath.
I had a beer or two like this in my life, they all turned out fine. :)
Dont worry, just siphone under it if it doesnt want to fall to the bottom.
