Anyone Else Have Trouble Ignoring the "Matches Style" Message?


Premium Member
Established Member
Dec 2, 2016
Reaction score
I want to make beer that fits into whatever category I'm going for, but I also want beer that tastes good. I'm having a real hard time ignoring the "matches style" notification and just going with what I want in my beer. Anyone else have this problem?
as long as a few are green thats ok with me, most have a broad range anyway and its hard to get a complete match unless your just a die hard brewer that brews just for competitions it doesn't really matter, its your beer brew what you like
I try to shoot for all green, but first and foremost is getting the overall beer where I want it, style be damned.
A few points off one way or the other isn't a big deal to me if the flavor is right
Mostly I get off "style" with hops and sometimes OG. I try to keep everything green, but I find I need a little more bitterness with most beers I've brewed. My efficiency (BIAB) isn't what it should be. My water is a tad over 7ph and I haven't double crushed grains yet. I plan to address both with my next brew.
I try for the green tick of,approval or I just change the category or sub category the beer is in. Eg I started off last week designing a brown porter than English porter but after I saw OG and IBU were above range I changed to American Porter and what do you know tick tick tick;):D.
