Alcohol and Attenuation - wrong ABV

Brewer #64496

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Sep 7, 2016
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Hello guys,

My brew session is reporting the wrong ABV under 'Alcohol and Attenuation' - please see attachment.

OG = 1.049
Current SG (Tilt) = 1.008

My "Fermentation" tab is reporting 5.4% ABV via the Tilt, which is correct when checked using the BF ABV calculator:

The last SG reading I logged manually was 1.009 (5.25% ABV) but the recipe is still showing an ABV of 4.73% as per the screenshot.

At this point I would usually realise I've added a "Fermentation Complete" log by mistake, but there are none present. I did create one by mistake yesterday instead of logging an "Other" or "Sample" log; could this have anything to do with it even after it was corrected?



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Hello guys,

My brew session is reporting the wrong ABV under 'Alcohol and Attenuation' - please see attachment.

OG = 1.049
Current SG (Tilt) = 1.008

My "Fermentation" tab is reporting 5.4% ABV via the Tilt, which is correct when checked using the BF ABV calculator:

The last SG reading I logged manually was 1.009 (5.25% ABV) but the recipe is still showing an ABV of 4.73% as per the screenshot.

At this point I would usually realise I've added a "Fermentation Complete" log by mistake, but there are none present. I did create one by mistake yesterday instead of logging an "Other" or "Sample" log; could this have anything to do with it even after it was corrected?

Do not count on the tilt being accurate for Final Gravity. Use a hydrometer to determine accurate FG. The tilt is affected by krausen residue.
Hello guys,

My brew session is reporting the wrong ABV under 'Alcohol and Attenuation' - please see attachment.

OG = 1.049
Current SG (Tilt) = 1.008

My "Fermentation" tab is reporting 5.4% ABV via the Tilt, which is correct when checked using the BF ABV calculator:

The last SG reading I logged manually was 1.009 (5.25% ABV) but the recipe is still showing an ABV of 4.73% as per the screenshot.

At this point I would usually realise I've added a "Fermentation Complete" log by mistake, but there are none present. I did create one by mistake yesterday instead of logging an "Other" or "Sample" log; could this have anything to do with it even after it was corrected?

It is because the attenuation so far and current ABV use any of the possible log entries that can occur during fermentation. In this case, your sample log entry at 1.013 is being found and used, but OTHER log entries do not apply as they can often be used outside of fermentation.
It is because the attenuation so far and current ABV use any of the possible log entries that can occur during fermentation. In this case, your sample log entry at 1.013 is being found and used, but OTHER log entries do not apply as they can often be used outside of fermentation.

Hi Priceless,

Thanks for the reply. I understand what you're saying here.

Has this behaviour changed recently? I could have sworn that 'Other' gravity logs used to be taken into account for 'Current ABV'.

Do not count on the tilt being accurate for Final Gravity. Use a hydrometer to determine accurate FG. The tilt is affected by krausen residue.

Thanks for your reply.

You're totally correct about hydrometer readings being more reliable than Tilt readings, however this post is more about how about Brewer's Friend displays 'Current ABV' based off different types of logs (Tilt vs 'Other' vs 'Sample', etc).

Priceless' post explains that my 'Current ABV' is stuck at a certain ABV due to the last 'Sample' reading I logged, rather than a 'Note' containing a more up-to-date gravity reading.
Hi Priceless,

Thanks for the reply. I understand what you're saying here.

Has this behaviour changed recently? I could have sworn that 'Other' gravity logs used to be taken into account for 'Current ABV'.

Not that I can recall, but if you change it to a sample log entry, it'll update accordingly.
