Gday Again fellow homebrewers cheers to all!
We all know that when mashing in with our given grain that we have a purported mash ph value I aim for 5.2 some aim for 5.4 and then again as I've observed lately there is a different ph value for darker malts! So that's first question I'm aiming at 5.2 going by Brewers friend water calcs ( that's with the recipe grist).
I Currently use accidulated malt by wayermann maltster a reputable maltster in there own right. I've been getting a bit of a tang in my beers of late they are mostly Pilsner base as that's my base malt ATM.
Now I was wondering what you guys youse to add acid to your mash? I'm looking for a high strength phosphoric acid In future keg King do a 90% concoction that I'll use Brewers friend water calc to dial in my ph for.
We all know that when mashing in with our given grain that we have a purported mash ph value I aim for 5.2 some aim for 5.4 and then again as I've observed lately there is a different ph value for darker malts! So that's first question I'm aiming at 5.2 going by Brewers friend water calcs ( that's with the recipe grist).
I Currently use accidulated malt by wayermann maltster a reputable maltster in there own right. I've been getting a bit of a tang in my beers of late they are mostly Pilsner base as that's my base malt ATM.
Now I was wondering what you guys youse to add acid to your mash? I'm looking for a high strength phosphoric acid In future keg King do a 90% concoction that I'll use Brewers friend water calc to dial in my ph for.
Oh yep I need to get a ph meter I solely use brews friend mash ph calcs based on my grist so far
Real reason is I suffer from bad acid reflux sometimes from a drinking session of homebrew. last night I had pizza and a couple pints of my vanilla cream ale and I was awoken later on with some terrible burning till I slugged some milk and acid tablets to get some rest. I know that is partly me and partly my beer and food combinations but I'm soo keen on acid content of my beer that I know my next purchase is gunna be a ph meter!
Does anyone have my probs ?
What do you fellas acidify with?
Any help would be much appreciated cheers!
Real reason is I suffer from bad acid reflux sometimes from a drinking session of homebrew. last night I had pizza and a couple pints of my vanilla cream ale and I was awoken later on with some terrible burning till I slugged some milk and acid tablets to get some rest. I know that is partly me and partly my beer and food combinations but I'm soo keen on acid content of my beer that I know my next purchase is gunna be a ph meter!
Does anyone have my probs ?
What do you fellas acidify with?
Any help would be much appreciated cheers!
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