2022 Cider production

A new label for the few bottles that may come of the pressed pears and apple happily donated by my friend Donald.
What was your FG?
It’s hard for me to write, but on this batch of cider nothing was measured, except for the cup of juice poured from the jug to create headspace. Oh yes, I did measure a prescribed amount of maple syrup for priming. I usually love taking measurements, but for this batch of cider I went primitive.
I love your label, always a fan of Jack.
Great thread! Never actually made it with my own apples although considered getting a press to do so. Cider is the one thing I like really strong whether dry or sweet. Had between 6 to 7.5% so far. Only made Pear once (last year) but turned out well - had a couple of glasses last week and it had improved too, lost a bit of sweetness - not dry though - well rounded. The kit (Mangrove Jack's from NZ) was mainly apples then you add pear flavouring later during primary fermentation - so you don't actually need a lot of pears to get their flavour so yours should be pretty good I reckon. Have you made any cider vinegar from your dregs? I occasionally have a spoonful of mine on its own - cracking stuff and miles better than what they sell in supermarkets. I like that mine is effectively FREE too. Done two mixed berry (dark fruit) ciders - less impressed with those.
Great thread! Never actually made it with my own apples although considered getting a press to do so. Cider is the one thing I like really strong whether dry or sweet. Had between 6 to 7.5% so far. Only made Pear once (last year) but turned out well - had a couple of glasses last week and it had improved too, lost a bit of sweetness - not dry though - well rounded. The kit (Mangrove Jack's from NZ) was mainly apples then you add pear flavouring later during primary fermentation - so you don't actually need a lot of pears to get their flavour so yours should be pretty good I reckon. Have you made any cider vinegar from your dregs? I occasionally have a spoonful of mine on its own - cracking stuff and miles better than what they sell in supermarkets. I like that mine is effectively FREE too. Done two mixed berry (dark fruit) ciders - less impressed with those.

No not deliberately made any vinegar - some say ALL of it is vinegar - it's just very dry!
The best thing to do with the very dry (or sour) ones is to add it to a pork casserole... yummy.

The big problem I have with some of my 2017 cider (yes I do have some left) is a form of land mine.... open it and the contents shoot 10 ft in the air. But the solution for that is to sanitise a big bucket, put a muslin cloth over the top and open each bottle upside down into the bucket.
As soon as the head dies down... rebottle it back into the bottles - you may lose one of the bottles volume in the batch but they will be rescued. The next time they are opened they will be fine - after suitable settling down time of course.
No not deliberately made any vinegar - some say ALL of it is vinegar - it's just very dry!
The best thing to do with the very dry (or sour) ones is to add it to a pork casserole... yummy.

The big problem I have with some of my 2017 cider (yes I do have some left) is a form of land mine.... open it and the contents shoot 10 ft in the air. But the solution for that is to sanitise a big bucket, put a muslin cloth over the top and open each bottle upside down into the bucket.
As soon as the head dies down... rebottle it back into the bottles - you may lose one of the bottles volume in the batch but they will be rescued. The next time they are opened they will be fine - after suitable settling down time of course.
Thanks will remember all that. Sacrificing one bottle to produce an otherwise decent batch is one worth making - the gods should forgive us that minor indescretion ;) I have low primed to get around over carbonation and ended up taking pretty much all the life out of cider. :oops: I don't mind it still but not when I wanted it sparkling and written that on the label. :mad: Yes to Pork casserole. I will try that one for sure. I make apple sauce with it for grilled chops or pork belly steaks.
