stir plate

  1. AGbrewer

    Selling Equipment

    Selling some of my equipment (Complete Clawhammer BIAB System 120V with neoprene blanket, Brewers Edge BIAB system, Mill, Brewtech SS Fermenter, Pump, CO2 tank about 1/2 full, Anvil Fermenter Bucket, Stir plate, 40 plate chiller, etc.). Not looking to break it up, giving a value of $1,500...
  2. Christopher Brown

    "How to Brew" Yeast Starter Recipe is WRONG!

    I'm halfway through reading John Palmer's book "How to Brew". Decided to make my first yeast starter last night follow the starter wort recipe listed in his book, which is 1/2 cup DME to 2 cups of H20. I ended up getting a 1.090 gravity wort. I had to water it down and reboil, had a boil over...
