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  1. M

    Could someone explain the yeast starter caculator.

    That makes it much more clear. Thank you. One last question. when you "decant" do you just pour off the excess fluid after the yeast has settled from refrigeration?
  2. M

    Could someone explain the yeast starter caculator.

    That makes sense but when I use say one pack and now it says not enough so I go to second step when and what do I ad? just DME?
  3. M

    Could someone explain the yeast starter caculator.

    I was trying to use the yeast starter calculator and am not sure how to proceed to the second and third steps if the first is not enough. How long should the first sit? Do you add that whole volume to the next step ( so if I used 1 L the next step calls for 1 L i now have 2?)
