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  1. Brewer #296232

    Water Requirements issues

    Looks better now, cheers!
  2. Brewer #296232

    Water Requirements issues

    Sure did - this is where the weird 10.09 post boil volume came from!
  3. Brewer #296232

    Water Requirements issues

    The main problem is wrong grain absorption losses - with 2.22 kg of grains and 0.85 l/kg absorption rate, the QWR number is -3.9 The secondary issue is boil off losses, which shows -1.9 even though equipment profile has 2 l/h and recipe has 60 minutes boil. Here is the recipe Here is my...
  4. Brewer #296232

    Water profile rounds fractional ion level values to integers

    Your water chemistry calculator allows entering fractional values. As well as your water profile editor. I'd expect them to be persisted.
  5. Brewer #296232

    Water profile rounds fractional ion level values to integers

    That seems to be a bug? Is anyone else observing this behaviour?
