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  1. L

    Final Gravity with Late Addition Fermentables

    As usual, I'm probably misunderstanding the interface but I have a recipe where I'm adding 10lbs of strawberries to the fermenter. I was happy to see that BrewersFriend has strawberries as an option in the dropdown but when I add it as a late addition to the fermenter, it doesn't change the ABV...
  2. L

    Kettle Deadspace?

    Is kettle deadspace in the equipment profile referring to the deadspace in the mash tun or the dead space in the boil kettle? And depending on the answer, how would you setup an equipment profile with the following losses? - 2.25g lost in the bottom of the mash tun - 2.25g lost in the bottom...
  3. L

    Clarify the units in Equipment Settings

    At least for me, I think it would be a lot clearer to show the units chosen in the General Setting as the only unit in Equipment settings. When I read my grain absorption as "6.0 qt/lb or L/kg" it's just a little confusing because the units are not equal and it makes me think, if the UI...
  4. L

    Feature Request?

    I'm not sure if this is the correct place for a post like this but... I've been using Brewers Friend for a couple years now and I love it but the more I use it, the more I realize I don't really know if I'm doing anything right regarding dialing in a recipe and brew session. I'm wondering if...
  5. L

    Estimated Mash Efficiency

    I feel like I ran across a feature in the brew session that gave me an estimated mash (pre-boil) efficiency a couple of brews ago. It was super helpful in trying to pin down where I'm losing efficiency but recently, I haven't been able to find it. Does anyone know where it is in the interface...
  6. L

    Water Profile Units

    I've been reading Phil Markowski's Farmhouse Ales book and I'm trying to line up the water profile in the book with what's available in the Water Calculator. I'm super new to the water adjustments (and it's been 20 years since I've taken Chemistry) so there are still a few grey areas in my...
  7. L

    Wrapping my head around water calcs

    I've been playing around with the Brewers Friend water calculator for this weekend's brew and I'd just like to verify that I'm approaching it correctly (or at least acceptably) I brew on a sort of HERMs system so there's one main water source. For a 10 gallon batch, I might start with 20...
