You know you did it wrong when...

I had one with the built in thermometer for correction for about 5 years and finally broke it. The spirits in the thermometer split up when I dropped it. I was tapping it on the counter to get it to come back together and broke the bottom out of it. Just got a cheapo to replace it since I already had a refractometer. I do like it taking just a few drops per sample and that the sample will cool in a minute or less.
When it is time to recirculate your mesh (or even just drain your first runnings), but nothing comes out of the ball valve, like NU THING...
Longest brew day ever...
After scooping out all the grains and getting out my BIAB bag, this is what I found...
When it is time to recirculate your mesh (or even just drain your first runnings), but nothing comes out of the ball valve, like NU THING...
Longest brew day ever...
After scooping out all the grains and getting out my BIAB bag, this is what I found...
View attachment 7708
Dang, that sucks. At least the problem is obvious and fixable.
The day was a comedy of mishaps. The resulting brew though, I am optimistic in spite of all the nonsense
Recon there will be a hose clamp on that next brew..:rolleyes::p!
At least you got your hop times correct there bud;).
You turn the water on your chiller, and a few minutes later hear a loud pop as a line blows. The runoff line was frozen. Managed to salvage the beer, though.
You turn the water on your chiller, and a few minutes later hear a loud pop as a line blows. The runoff line was frozen. Managed to salvage the beer, though.
Didja get a little too aggressive with your mash paddle there Creigerr?
I had added a longer nipple below the false bottom so as to mitigate MLT losses. I believe that when pumping the water in through the ball valve that the nipple was pressed against the bottom of the keggle, which popped the hose off. Going to investigate, and likely put a V notch in that nipple.
I had added a longer nipple below the false bottom so as to mitigate MLT losses. I believe that when pumping the water in through the ball valve that the nipple was pressed against the bottom of the keggle, which popped the hose off. Going to investigate, and likely put a V notch in that nipple.
I've got nothing to add, it's just that I giggled like a little boy when I read nipple so many times. Thanks for that:D
It's been a while since anyone posted here so I thought I'd report my latest misadventure. Having taken up kegging, I wanted to test for difference between kegged and bottle conditioned beer. So I split a batch of my Kentucky Common, bottled half and kegged half. Have to admit, I drank a bit of the beer from the keg but finally I wanted to package the beer. So I started bottling by stuffing a bottling wand into a picnic tap, using the bottom valve and the tap. I got several bottles of foam before finally figuring out that I was driving the beer out at 12 psi. I adjusted it down to about 4 psi, burped the keg and got three good bottles before the 2.5 gallon keg kicked. It's enough for my test but I'm likely committed to enter the bottle-conditioned variant in the NHC. And I have a bottle for the test and I learned to bottle from the keg so all's well.
Welcome to the world of force carbed beer there Noseybear :) I've been using a picnic tap of late with bottling wand attached without the little stopper on the end. I want to bottle up some beers much like you've done just to test for stability down the track.

My latest oh no I did it wrong act was with my current fermentation of Pilsner I attached my spunding valve to the liquid side:confused::confused::(!

fermentation took 24hours to start and I recon caught it not long into fermentation.

How I noticed was went to check on it and noticed liquid comming out of my freezer drain I lifted the lid :eek: still around 21lt Mark so few. Butterfly valve cleaned out and on the gas side now lol:).
Besides lowering the pressure, it really helps to pull a pint from the tap before bottling. It will cool the tap and lines down considerably. Of course, you want the bottles chilled too.
Yeah I find the worst of the foaming is on first or second bottle then everything seems to even out. And you can turn the pressure back up a notch if you want then.
