What should I brew?


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Jul 27, 2017
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I scored myself a fancy new SS Brewtech Brew Bucket and before I go visit family I want brew on Friday before Christmas. I'm not set on a Christmas beer but am mostly looking for ideas. An excuse to use my Kveik again would also be welcome.

The keg is for scale, the bucket is considerably smaller than what I had pictured in my head.

I been lusting after one of those (every time I stick a brush in my carboy). I'd stick with something I know well for general happiness and success . . .

P.S. your picture doesn't work :(
I have the 3.5 gal bucket and love it. I put about 2.75 gallons in mine and have the FTSS which raises the level further so I always use a blowoff tube.

It's winter so how about brewing a white IPA?
Oooh a white IPA. That sounds intriguing.

The picture is working fine for me, it's just an imgur link.
There was a recipe called Rabbit's Revenge White IPA in Craft Beer and Brewing magazine this summer. Have not tried it yet but actually brewing a 3 gal batch tomorrow. Here's the recipe scaled back up for 5 gallons. The numbers on the Pacific Jade are a little funny since I adjusted them to match the AA of my hops. I could go back and double check the magazine if you really wanted to know exactly what it was.

OG 1.063
FG 1.016
ABV 6.5%
72% Brewhouse
IBUs 48
SRM 5.53

6 lb German Pilsner
5 lb Flaked Wheat
0.5 lb Melanoidin
0.5 lb Acidulated Malt

0.5 oz Pacific Jade (13 AA) @ 60 min
1.25 oz Pacific Jade (13 AA) @ 10 min
0.75 oz Pacific Jade (13 AA) @ Whirlpool
1 oz Amarillo (8.6 AA) @ Whirlpool

Mash @ 152 for 90 min
Wyeast Belgian Witbeir 3944

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Do something you've done before for comparison.
I scored myself a fancy new SS Brewtech Brew Bucket and before I go visit family I want brew on Friday before Christmas. I'm not set on a Christmas beer but am mostly looking for ideas. An excuse to use my Kveik again would also be welcome.

The keg is for scale, the bucket is considerably smaller than what I had pictured in my head.

Congrats on the Brew Bucket! Just started using one myself. Tough call on it vs a 10 gal Corny.

How about testing it out with a Resiliance IPA...
Top stuff hawkbox yes it does look quite small compared to keg. As for what to brew how about Mases Brown Ale.
Agh to many choices! I'm half tempted to do a lager since my Munich Lager yeast is the oldest stuff in the fridge, but a white IPA sounds intriguing. I don't know what a Mases brown ale is.
Agh to many choices! I'm half tempted to do a lager since my Munich Lager yeast is the oldest stuff in the fridge, but a white IPA sounds intriguing. I don't know what a Mases brown ale is.
@Mase Brown Ale
Or brew something with that Apple juice I see ticked under your brew bench there...
That's for cider whenever my wife wants to do another batch. Oh our Mase! Yeah that could work.
I updated the white ipa recipe with the original quantities and AA for the pacific jade. Just in case you want to brew it.
I've decided, I want to refresh and use my Munich Lager but I like your idea so I'm going to be a madman and do a white IPL! Now to build me a recipe.
Or copy yours cause I just noticed the link.
Ok what the hell?
Well something is wrong, I've put a note for @Yooper in the technical issue forum.

