Winter Wet Hops


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Nov 27, 2016
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Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with this site, just throwing it out there for those interested.

I'm not sure if you guys have heard of 24 Hour Hops but they have a wet hop harvest scheduled for January. I've never brewed with wet hops before and my hop harvest this year (1st year) was quite low, so I thought why not give it a shot. Basically you order for the date you want them shipped. They have Cascade, Chinook, Columbus, and Amalia ready to harvest. I have 6 oz of Cascade coming at the end of January to dry hop an APA.

Like I said, no affiliation but just wanted to put that info out there in case others were interested.
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Wow! I wonder where they're harvesting.Most places will either be too cold or too wet for hops at that time of year. I'm interested! :)
Wow! I wonder where they're harvesting.Most places will either be too cold or too wet for hops at that time of year. I'm interested! :)
It looks like they are growing them in a greenhouse out in Arizona. By the way, check their shipping info to see how many days it'll take to get to you so you order appropriately. But yeah, I thought it was pretty cool to have the opportunity to make a wet hop beer in the middle of winter.
Pretty cool to be able to get em in the winter but... it takes aprox 4.5# of wet hops to make a # of dry hops. At $4 an oz wet that is a little spendy. Out of my league I'm afraid.
