What IS the big mystery about market price lobster in Maine?

Off to a good start, found a sampler from Geary’s. The Pale Ale was excellent, Summer Ale good very drinkable, the IPA was just a bit too resinous for my taste(could have standed a bit more malt or less hops). I’ll try the English Porter later.
Be on the lookout for Zero Gravity Pilsner out of Burlington VT. Cleanest small independent pils I've had in years. Knocked my socks off!
Zero Gravity is great. Just had a draft Maine Lunch at dinner - highly recommended.
So much lobster, so little time. If you get down to Newburyport try Bob Lobster near Plum Island. If you make it through Wiscasset be sure to get a lobster roll at Red’s. Really really good.
