Recipe source field too small for recipe urls

Brewer #195451

New Member
Premium Member
Jan 4, 2019
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Currently the max character length in the recipe "source" field is 50 characters, which is shorter than the length of urls to other recipes on the site. I have been storing the url path, which works, but is not ideal. It should be increased to at least 70.
I’m currently traveling, and on my small iPad, but I will probably ask you more questions about this once I discuss it with the developer. I want to make sure I understand what you’re saying though- do you have a screenshot to show me where it is an issue?
Currently the max character length in the recipe "source" field is 50 characters, which is shorter than the length of urls to other recipes on the site. I have been storing the url path, which works, but is not ideal. It should be increased to at least 70.

Thanks, yea no reason for it to be that limited. This has been updated to 255, for URLs you may want to add them to the URL field under "Description / Notes".
